Dave Hughes has surgery after a surfing accident and shares Russell Crowe secret while on heavy medication

Dave Hughes has surgery after a surfing accident and shares Russell Crowe secret while on heavy medication

Dave Hughes underwent surgery on Tuesday after a surfing injury last year turned serious.

In December, the comedian was rushed to hospital after dislocating his shoulder on a Queensland beach, resulting in nerve damage and leaving him in excruciating pain.

‘Happy NY. Had my least sober NYE in 30+ years. Green whistle came after two hours of worst pain of my life, plus morphine and the rest of them,’ he wrote on Instagram at the time. ‘Shoulder dislocation whilst surfing. 9 out of 10 level nerve damage.’

Following his procedure this week, he made a surprise call called into his radio show 2Day FM’s Hughesy, Ed, and Erin from his hospital bed to reveal a surprising surgery story about Russell Crowe while heavily medicated.

He said he got some celebrity gossip from his doctor Greg Hoy, who is known as ‘surgeon to the stars’.

Dave Hughes underwent surgery on Tuesday after a surfing injury last month turned serious

Dave Hughes underwent surgery on Tuesday after a surfing injury last month turned serious 

‘He did Warnie back in the day and he did Russell Crowe. Apparently Greg even features in the Cinderella Man behind the scenes footage on DVD,’ he explained.

‘Russell wanted his phone with him even though he was sedated, and his phone rang while he was being carved up. The surgeon answered it and spoke to a very, very famous answered.’

The team in the studio were keen to know who it was, and tried to take advantage of Hughesy’s medicated state to get the answer.

However, Hughesy said he was told not to reveal who it was, but promised to tell his co-hosts off-air. 

The procedure comes after Hughesy revealed another health issue that may affect his comedy career – a potential ADHD diagnosis. 

Following his procedure, he made a surprise call called into his radio show 2Day FM's Hughesy, Ed, and Erin from his hospital bed to reveal a surprising surgery story about Russell Crowe while heavily medicated

Following his procedure, he made a surprise call called into his radio show 2Day FM’s Hughesy, Ed, and Erin from his hospital bed to reveal a surprising surgery story about Russell Crowe while heavily medicated 

Hughesy said he could have the disorder after a fellow comedian with a diagnosis suggested he get tested.

‘She said that I should get on ADHD medication because she thinks I’ve got it,’ he told his fellow co-hosts.

‘She said she got diagnosed recently and the medication has improved her life immeasurably. I’ve since spoken to a number of comedians who have had the diagnosis as well and they’re all raving about the medication, and how it’s improved their existences.’

Hughesy noted he doesn’t know for sure if he has ADHD or not, so the radio crew invited psychiatrist Dr. Tanveer Ahmed to discuss Hughes’ potential diagnosis.

‘I guess the question would be, say, You got diagnosed and medicated, what is it you’re trying to improve?’ Dr. Ahmed asked.

Hughesy explained his extensive employment history and how he failed his studies in two different fields.

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 ‘I started an IT degree back in 1989, I couldn’t focus there. I then did a business degree… I could have become an accountant. I couldn’t focus there,’ he said.

‘Are you saying if I had have had those medications back then I might have stuck at those degrees?’ he asked Dr. Ahmed.

‘Well, there’s a possibility… Sometimes, with tablets, there’s an element of performance enhancement or a lot of people who struggle with these things,’ Dr. Ahmed replied. 

In December, the comedian was rushed to hospital after dislocating his shoulder on a Queensland beach, resulting in nerve damage and leaving him in excruciating pain

In December, the comedian was rushed to hospital after dislocating his shoulder on a Queensland beach, resulting in nerve damage and leaving him in excruciating pain 

'Happy NY. Had my least sober NYE in 30+ years. Green whistle came after two hours of worst pain of my life, plus morphine and the rest of them,' he wrote on Instagram at the time. 'Shoulder dislocation whilst surfing. 9 out of 10 level nerve damage'

‘Happy NY. Had my least sober NYE in 30+ years. Green whistle came after two hours of worst pain of my life, plus morphine and the rest of them,’ he wrote on Instagram at the time. ‘Shoulder dislocation whilst surfing. 9 out of 10 level nerve damage’ 

‘I worry Hughesy will get on [the medication] and he’ll be just super chilled… and it will affect his comedy.’

Hughesy added: ‘Honestly, that’s what I worry about.’

ADHD is a mental health condition with symptoms that include trouble focusing, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour.

The adult condition is treated similarly to that of childhood ADHD, with medication and counselling, according to the Mayo Clinic.

READ MORE: Dave Hughes determined to give up dangerous addiction as his family fear it could lead him down a dark path after three decades of sobriety 


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