Coleen Rooney Promises to Always Be Honest with Her Four Boys, Reveals Details of Husband Wayne’s Cheating Scandal in Memoir

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Coleen Rooney has spoken about always telling ‘the truth’ to her fours boys after breaking her silence on her husband Wayne’s cheating and prostitute scandals.

The WAG, 37, candidly spoke about her ‘hurt and shame’ over Wayne’s prostitute scandals in her brand new tell-all memoir, My Account. 

She spoke about finding out Wayne had slept with prostitutes in a Liverpool brothel at the age of 16 in 2002, and learning in 2010 that he had slept with former escorts Jennifer Thompson and Helen Wood. 

Coleen, who shares Kai, 14, Klay, 10, Kit, seven, and Cass, five, with Wayne, told HELLO! Magazine: ‘I have always included my boys in everything I do, and I speak the truth to them.  

Speaking about the beginning of their relationship, Coleen said: ‘Looking back now, I realise how young we were when we got together. Kai has only just turned 14, and it’s hard to imagine him dealing with a relationship in the full glare of the media in two years. 

Opening up: Coleen Rooney has spoken about always telling 'the truth' to her fours boys after breaking her silence on her husband Wayne's cheating and prostitute scandals

Opening up: Coleen Rooney has spoken about always telling ‘the truth’ to her fours boys after breaking her silence on her husband Wayne’s cheating and prostitute scandals

Coleen, who shares Kai, 14, Klay, 10, Kit, seven, and Cass, five, with Wayne, said: 'I have always included my boys in everything I do, and I speak the truth to them.'

Coleen, who shares Kai, 14, Klay, 10, Kit, seven, and Cass, five, with Wayne, said: ‘I have always included my boys in everything I do, and I speak the truth to them.’

‘Fortunately, we did deal with it in a god manner, and 20 years on, it’s still going on. If that does happen to him, Wayne and I will be there to help him.’

Coleen recently revealed why she decided to finally break her silence on her husband Wayne’s cheating and prostitute scandals.

She appeared on This Morning to discuss her new release and revealed why she decided to ‘tell her truth’ and address Wayne’s infidelity.

She told how she wants people to know the ‘reasons’ behind her actions as she spoke about laying bare the ‘hard’ times in her and Wayne’s relationship.

Speaking to hosts Rochelle Humes and Craig Doyle, she said: ‘I’ve had time to sit down and process it all and I wanted to tell my truth and also let people know who I am, the reasons behind my actions and thoughts.

‘Obviously the relationship with Wayne has been hard over the years, but there’s always been love there so why give up on it? And why not see if you can work it out?

‘People haven’t seen that because we’ve done that behind closed doors and it’s been a battle at times, it’s been hard.

‘People only see what’s in the press, they don’t know what goes on in our life so it’s to explain that this is what’s happened – it was out there, we’ve dealt with it, and we’re moving on.’

‘I’ve got a great support network with friends and family, especially my parents and I’m so lucky to have had the upbringing that I’ve had,’ she continued.

‘I do always go back to that, the way I was brought up and my morals for life and that’s how I go forward.

‘Little things that my dad and my mum used to say to me, that I now say to my kids and it reminds me of growing up, but I’m so lucky – especially being in the public eye – I haven’t had to but I have stayed grounded and that’s because of the people around me. You definitely have to have a strong mind as well, which both me and Wayne do.’

Looking back: The WAG, 37, candidly spoke about her 'hurt and shame' over Wayne's prostitute scandals in her brand new tell-all memoir, My Account (she is pictured with Wayne in 2008)

Looking back: The WAG, 37, candidly spoke about her ‘hurt and shame’ over Wayne’s prostitute scandals in her brand new tell-all memoir, My Account (she is pictured with Wayne in 2008)

Coleen said she took her time in telling her story and admitted it finally felt like the right time to release her book and her Wagatha Christie Disney+ documentary, which saw her tell-all about her High Court trial against Rebekah Vardy.

She told how she often ‘keeps things in’ as a coping mechanism and doesn’t like to burden anyone else or trouble them with her worries.

READ HERE: Coleen Rooney shares unseen childhood snaps and gushes about her ‘fortunate upbringing’ as she prepares to publish her autobiography


‘People have said ‘why has it taken so long to tell your story’ but it’s a big story to tell and I wanted to digest it and now I’ve done it and I’m going into a new year with it all behind me,’ she said.

‘Keeping things in is a coping mechanism of mine, it always has been… Until I need to tell someone or I’m a hundred percent sure about something, I will then let loose and tell it,’ she went on, touching on her libel trial.

‘I don’t like to be a burden on anyone else. I don’t like to trouble people with my worries, when they have their own worries in life so I try to deal with it as much as I can until I crack it or I’ve just had enough and need to say it.’

The TV personality confessed she feels like a ‘massive cloud’ has been lifted after being honest about her experiences as she touched on how ‘horrible’ her libel trial was.

‘I feel good. Like a massive cloud has been lifted. It was just a niggle there, when you just tried to forget about it, it was just constantly there,’ she said.

‘I’ve never been involved in a court case before and I would never wish it on my worst enemy. It was so draining. It was horrible. And it just took time away from my personal life and just being with the kids. It just drained me.’

Rebekah, 41, famously took Coleen to the High Court for libel – and lost – after Coleen claimed in October 2019 that stories about her were being leaked to the Press from Rebekah’s social media account .

Hurt: Coleen told how they had 'screaming matches' over his infidelity at the brothel in Liverpool where he had sex with a 37-year-old named Gina McCarrick and a 48-year-old grandmother (pictured in 2004)

Hurt: Coleen told how they had ‘screaming matches’ over his infidelity at the brothel in Liverpool where he had sex with a 37-year-old named Gina McCarrick and a 48-year-old grandmother (pictured in 2004)

Coleen admitted she never thought she would end up in court over her famous ‘It’s….. Rebekah Vardy’ Instagram post, but insisted she is not one for looking back when asked if she would do anything differently.

She said: ‘I’m not one for looking back. I did it and now I’m here, that massive clouds been lifted. I stuck to my truth and something that’s been instilled in me from a young girl, you know, always tell the truth and that’s what I instill in my children. And it worked, and good that it did because sometimes it doesn’t.’

Of putting the court case behind her, she said: ‘I don’t need to think about it. I have my own family and friends and obviously I’m focused on this at the minute but going into Christmas, I want a nice family Christmas and going into the New Year, just breathe and see what happens. But you know, this is my account, it’s how I felt, I don’t want to think about the other sides.’

As well as opening up about her libel trial in her book, Coleen also spoke about the highs and lows of her marriage to her childhood sweetheart Wayne and addressed his cheating scandals.

In her autobiography, Coleen told how she felt ‘hurt and ashamed’ when she learned that her husband Wayne had used prostitutes at a Liverpool massage parlour.

Speaking for the first time about the incident, which took place in 2002 when the former England captain was 16, she also described it as a ‘horrible dream’ and admitted she was unable to decide whether her relationship had a future.

She also told how they had ‘screaming matches’ over his infidelity at the brothel in Liverpool where he had sex with a 37-year-old named Gina McCarrick and a 48-year-old grandmother.

Forgiven: Coleen writes that 'if I'd found out he was having an affair or he'd told me in love with someone else, I couldn't have gotten over it, but that wasn't the case' (pictured in October 2023)

Forgiven: Coleen writes that ‘if I’d found out he was having an affair or he’d told me in love with someone else, I couldn’t have gotten over it, but that wasn’t the case’ (pictured in October 2023)

She said: ‘The full story was that when he was sixteen, Wayne had visited prostitutes in a Liverpool massage parlour. When Wayne sat me down and told me it was true and that the story was about to break in the national press I was confused and hurt. I couldn’t even speak to him.

‘More than that, I felt ashamed.’

Coleen, still a teenager then, told how she agonised over what others would think of Wayne’s demeanour.

‘Everyone knew, and everyone seemed to have an opinion. I sat with it all swirling around me like some horrible dream, unable to decide what was best or what I wanted.

‘A voice inside me told me not to do anything rash and not to make a decision in the midst of my anger.

‘Dealing with that kind of thing was heart-breaking enough, but I was eighteen –years-old. I was upset and confused, not knowing what to think or how others might react.

‘I wasn’t sure what I felt about Wayne anymore. Also, I knew my family’s instinct would be to protect me, and whatever way you spun it, this was not a good look.’

Coleen, who now has four sons with Wayne, decided to hold a summit with him and hear his side of the story. She reveals how they had a secret meeting at her auntie’s home in Liverpool where he admitted that the details were true, though insisted that some of the revelations were ‘fabricated.’

Court: Coleen said it finally felt like the right time to release her book and her Wagatha Christie Disney+ documentary, which saw her tell-all about her High Court trial against Rebekah Vardy

Court: Coleen said it finally felt like the right time to release her book and her Wagatha Christie Disney+ documentary, which saw her tell-all about her High Court trial against Rebekah Vardy

The couple also went on a trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach where they tried to live some ‘normality’ – wearing hats and putting their collars up so they were not recognised as they discussed their future.

After some weeks, Coleen decided to accept Wayne’s apology.

She said: ‘He knew how bad this was, how wrong. He looked down at the floor as he told me how devastated he felt having put me in that situation.

‘I was still fuming, of course, and there were definitely a few screaming matches in the days to come, In the end though, I accepted that this had happened a long time ago and that we were stronger now, more committed.

‘We weren’t the kids we were back then, Wayne was no longer the cocky lad trying to impress his mates. If I’d found out he was having an affair or he’d told me in love with someone else, I couldn’t have gotten over it, but that wasn’t the case.’

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