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Mia Thornton of Real Housewives of Potomac shares news of her new boyfriend and confronts rumors about her son Jeremiah in Part 1 of Season 8 reunion.

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Mia Thornton told Andy Cohen that her boyfriend Inc thinks that her eight-year-old son Jeremiah was his on Sunday night’s season eight Real Housewives of Potomac reunion Part 1 on Bravo.

The revelation came when Wendy Osefo, 39, shared a detail that Mia’s estranged 71-year-old husband Gordon said.

‘One of the things that Gordon did say was that Inc came to your house and was trying to take Jeremiah because he believed that was his son,’ Wendy said.

‘Does Inc think Jeremiah is his son?’ Andy asked.

‘He does,’ Mia, 39, said.

Mia Thornton told Andy Cohen that her boyfriend Inc thinks that her eight-year-old son Jeremiah was his on Sunday night's season eight Real Housewives of Potomac reunion Part 1 on Bravo

Mia Thornton told Andy Cohen that her boyfriend Inc thinks that her eight-year-old son Jeremiah was his on Sunday night’s season eight Real Housewives of Potomac reunion Part 1 on Bravo

The revelation came when Wendy Osefo, 39, shared a detail that Mia's estranged 71-year-old husband Gordon said

The revelation came when Wendy Osefo, 39, shared a detail that Mia’s estranged 71-year-old husband Gordon said

'One of the things that Gordon did say was that Inc came to your house and was trying to take Jeremiah because he believed that was his son,' Wendy (left) said

‘One of the things that Gordon did say was that Inc came to your house and was trying to take Jeremiah because he believed that was his son,’ Wendy (left) said

'Does Inc think Jeremiah is his son?' Andy asked.

‘Does Inc think Jeremiah is his son?’ Andy asked.

‘He does?’ Andy said.

‘Inc thinks that Jeremiah is his,’ Mia said.

Mia said that Inc was her former high school sweetheart but that they drifted apart.

‘Why did you break up?’ Andy asked.

‘He went back to Atlanta because he wanted to pursue his career, radio,’ Mia said. ‘And I wasn’t willing to leave my job and at the time I was in school.’

Mia said they drifted apart and then she found Gordon. Mia said she kept in touch but nothing serious. She said there was only one occasion when they rekindled the flame.

When the show broke for lunch. Mia called Inc while Gordon was in the room. Gordon even said hi to him.

‘I love you and I’ll call you later,’ Mia said to Inc.

Mia said that Inc was her former high school sweetheart but that they drifted apart

Mia said that Inc was her former high school sweetheart but that they drifted apart

Mia said they drifted apart and then she found Gordon. Mia said she kept in touch but nothing serious. She said there was only one occasion when they rekindled the flame

Mia said they drifted apart and then she found Gordon. Mia said she kept in touch but nothing serious. She said there was only one occasion when they rekindled the flame

When the show broke for lunch. Mia called Inc while Gordon was in the room

When the show broke for lunch. Mia called Inc while Gordon was in the room

Gordon even said hi to him

Gordon even said hi to him

Mia also told Andy that she was now living in a penthouse apartment in Washington, DC.

‘Even though it’s the smallest place I’ve been in the past several years, I’m in the happiest place,’ Mia said.

Mia said Gordon has an apartment in Charlotte but that he would be relocating to a condo across the street from her.

When the reunion started, Andy told them all that watching this season was frustrating because the show is supposed to be about people taking common ground together.

‘I’m looking forward to owning what I need to own and moving forward,’Candiace Dillard Bassett , 37, said.

Andy turned his questions towards Robyn Dixon, 45, and asked if she still stands by the fact that her husband Juan, 45, the former head basketball coach at Coppin State, had never cheated on her with ‘Canada girl, Coach Bri, or anyone else since you two had officially gotten back together?’

‘I can’t say anything for certain,’ Robyn said. ‘As no one in this world can say anything for certain about what other people do. But based on what Juan shared with me about the girl in Canada and the stuff that I kind of heard after the fact, I have many reasons to believe what he’s telling me.’

Karen Hunger, 50, said none of them believe Juan’s story.

Mia also told Andy that she was now living in a penthouse apartment in Washington DC

Mia also told Andy that she was now living in a penthouse apartment in Washington DC

When the reunion started, Andy told them all that watching this season was frustrating because the show is supposed to be about people taking common ground together

When the reunion started, Andy told them all that watching this season was frustrating because the show is supposed to be about people taking common ground together

'I'm looking forward to owning what I need to own and moving forward,'Candiace Dillard Bassett , 37, said

‘I’m looking forward to owning what I need to own and moving forward,’Candiace Dillard Bassett , 37, said

Andy turned his questions towards Robyn Dixon, 45, and asked if she still stands by the fact that her husband Juan, 45, the former head basketball coach at Coppin State, had never cheated on her with 'Canada girl, Coach Bri, or anyone else since you two had officially gotten back together?'

Andy turned his questions towards Robyn Dixon, 45, and asked if she still stands by the fact that her husband Juan, 45, the former head basketball coach at Coppin State, had never cheated on her with ‘Canada girl, Coach Bri, or anyone else since you two had officially gotten back together?’

Karen Hunger, 50, said none of them believe Juan's story

Karen Hunger, 50, said none of them believe Juan’s story

‘But Robyn believes it,’ Mia said. ‘That’s all that matters.’

Andy pointed out that Juan declined to be at the reunion.

‘That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t support me,’ Robyn said.

‘He doesn’t know that you are going to be under fire tonight because of his actions?’ Wendy said. ‘The least he could do, as your husband, is to stand behind you and say, ‘baby you don’t have to take all the bullets, I can take some too.’

Andy said that they got a lot of feedback about how people think it’s weird that Robyn isn’t suspicious that Juan deletes his DMs and messages.

‘He has a weird thing with his phone being cluttered,’ Robyn said.

‘Do you have the password to his phone?’ Andy asked.

‘No, and he doesn’t have the password to mine,’ Robyn said.

Candiace said what she didn’t appreciate was that Robyn didn’t share information in her personal life but demanded that other people shared details about theirs.

Andy pointed out that Juan declined to be at the reunion.

Andy pointed out that Juan declined to be at the reunion.

'He has a weird thing with his phone being cluttered,' Robyn said

‘He has a weird thing with his phone being cluttered,’ Robyn said

Candiace said what she didn't appreciate was that Robyn didn't share information in her personal life but demanded that other people shared details about theirs

Candiace said what she didn’t appreciate was that Robyn didn’t share information in her personal life but demanded that other people shared details about theirs

Andy asked Candiace what she needed from Robyn to move forward. Candiace asked for a tissue as she was about to cry. Gizelle Bryant, 53, called them fake tears.

‘That was kind of mean Gizelle,’ Andy said.

‘Kind of mean, she’s a f***ing b****,’ Candiace said.

‘All I need from my friends is acknowledgement,’ Candiace said. ‘I just need her to acknowledge that there was a difference, because it hurt not just me. It hurt Chris because Chris also considered Robyn a friend.’

Robyn said if Candiace really thought she plotted on her husband than to not be her friend. Andy then gave Robyn the floor to talk about her marriage. Robyn said she and Juan had been in each other’s lives for 28 years.

‘Over the period of a long period of life, people in relationships go through sh**,’ Robyn said. ‘ And it’s really up to you. Do I want to like thug it out with this person?’

Robyn said what was more important to them was family and that they go through highs and lows. Robyn said they were happy together.

Karen admitted that she had a recent facelift.

Andy asked Candiace what she needed from Robyn to move forward. Candiace asked for a tissue as she was about to cry. Gizelle Bryant, 53, called them fake tears

Andy asked Candiace what she needed from Robyn to move forward. Candiace asked for a tissue as she was about to cry. Gizelle Bryant, 53, called them fake tears

'Kind of mean, she's a f***ing b****,' Candiace said

‘Kind of mean, she’s a f***ing b****,’ Candiace said

Robyn said if Candiace really thought she plotted on her husband than to not be her friend. Andy then gave Robyn the floor to talk about her marriage. Robyn said she and Juan had been in each other's lives for 28 years

Robyn said if Candiace really thought she plotted on her husband than to not be her friend. Andy then gave Robyn the floor to talk about her marriage. Robyn said she and Juan had been in each other’s lives for 28 years

‘Absolutely, I did a deep plane and I just look like me, refreshed,’ Karen said. ‘Nothing on the body because I’m done with the body. You know, my body is me. Banging.’

Andy commended Karen for her PAVE event and she thanked the women for sharing their stories of sexual assault at her event.

Mia said that now she and her friend Jacqueline are now closer than they had been after talking about things.

Andy asked Gizelle why she never talked to Candiace over the death threats she had received.

‘I want to know how it is my fault that people are crazy enough to threaten her life?’ Candiace said.

‘The color of my skin caused many people to directly say ‘oh you are a colorist, and I’m coming to kill you,’ Gizelle said. ‘As I have watched the show, it’s f*** Gizelle, f*** Gizelle, f*** Gizelle, Gizelle’s an imp, Gizelle’s the devil, Gizelle is evil, Gizelle is raggedy-a**, nasty a** Gizelle. Giselle should be fired.’

‘All true,’ Candiace said. ‘Everyone up here, I believe, has received some form of a death threat. I think it is dangerous and extremely unfair to conflate me having an issue with her then receiving death threats.’

Candiace admitted she had liked some of the tweets.

Andy asked Gizelle why she never talked to Candiace over the death threats she had received.

Andy asked Gizelle why she never talked to Candiace over the death threats she had received.

'I have not lied about a thing,' Gizelle said

‘I have not lied about a thing,’ Gizelle said

Gizelle said all she said about Candiace’s husband Chris was that he asked her to come into a room with her and that it made her feel uncomfortable.

‘I have not lied about a thing,’ Gizelle said.

‘You have lied,’ Candiace said. ‘You’re a big a** liar that’s what you are!’

Candiace then apologized for things that she said to Gizelle

‘Rome was not built in a day,’ Ashley said.

Andy tried to mend fences and had Karen and Robyn say three nice things to each other.

The Real Housewives of Potomac will return next Sunday on Bravo.

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