Meshel Laurie left devastated after her laptop is stolen during a car robbery

Meshel Laurie left devastated after her laptop is stolen during a car robbery

Meshel Laurie is well known as the host of the podcast Australian True Crime, which explores crimes which have shocked the nation.

On Thursday, the media personality, 49, took to Instagram to make the shocking admission that she herself was recently affected by a true crime.

The Toowoomba-born star posted a photo of her friend’s car parked in the street, with its rear right window smashed in, and captioned it with some shocking words.

‘My producer Matthew has had his car broken into overnight. A bunch of his personal belongings were stolen, including his work laptop,’ she began.

‘It’s been reported to the police and we are on the hunt to track down his stolen goods.’

Meshel Laurie (pictured) is well known as the host of the podcast Australian True Crime, which explores crimes that have shocked the nation. On Thursday, the media personality, 49, took to Instagram to make the shocking admission she herself was recently affected by a true crime

Meshel Laurie (pictured) is well known as the host of the podcast Australian True Crime, which explores crimes that have shocked the nation. On Thursday, the media personality, 49, took to Instagram to make the shocking admission she herself was recently affected by a true crime

The Toowoomba-born star posted a photo of her friend's car parked in the street, with its rear right window smashed in

The Toowoomba-born star posted a photo of her friend’s car parked in the street, with its rear right window smashed in

Meshel then revealed the stolen laptops contained some of her recent work and she was worried it may not be recovered.

‘The laptop had four amazing episodes of my Can We Be Real? podcast which may never see the light of day because we didn’t get a bloody back up. There is a reward for anyone who returns the laptop.’

She concluded her sad message by telling fans that her holiday season was not turning out as she hoped. 

‘To our wonderful audience please bear with us while we sort out WTF we are going to do to keep the podcast going over the coming weeks. Merry f**king Christmas!’

Many of Meshel’s followers were quick to offer her their words of support.

‘That’s f**ked! Don’t know if I can go without my weekly dose! Hope you guys recover it and all Matt’s stuff,’ one upset fan commiserated.

'My producer Matthew has had his car broken into overnight which had a bunch of his personal belongings stolen including his work laptop,' she began

‘My producer Matthew has had his car broken into overnight which had a bunch of his personal belongings stolen including his work laptop,’ she began

‘Every Aussie needs to be on the hunt for this laptop. We can’t go without the best podcast ever,’ a second person chipped in.

‘Hope it’s recovered – for our sakes and yours,’ a third person chipped in.

Laurie currently hosts Australia’s biggest true crime podcast, which has racked up over 65million downloads since it started in 2017.

Most recently, Laurie launched a comedy podcast called Can We Be Real? which she co-hosts with broadcaster Simon Baggs.

Laurie currently hosts Australia's biggest true crime podcast, which has racked up over 65 million downloads since it started in 2017

Laurie currently hosts Australia’s biggest true crime podcast, which has racked up over 65 million downloads since it started in 2017

READ MORE: Meshel Laurie slams The Project’s Steve Price after he took aim at Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan


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