Meet the Lawyer, Sports Agent, and Firefighter Set to Battle in Samoa: Survivor 2024 Titans vs Rebels

Meet the Lawyer, Sports Agent, and Firefighter Set to Battle in Samoa: Survivor 2024 Titans vs Rebels

The new season of Australian Survivor is set to return to screens on January 29.

Filmed in Samoa, the 2024 Titans vs. Rebels season promises to give fans plenty of excitement. 

The cast includes a lawyer, sports agent and firefighters – all determined to outwit and outdo each other for the staggering $500,000 prize money. 

The competition takes place over 47 action-packed days, where two tribes will vie for the prestigious title of Sole Survivor.

Meet the cast: 

The new season of Australian Survivor is set to return to screens on January 29. Filmed in Samoa, the 2024 Titans vs. Rebels season promises to give fans plenty of excitement

The new season of Australian Survivor is set to return to screens on January 29. Filmed in Samoa, the 2024 Titans vs. Rebels season promises to give fans plenty of excitement

Caroline, the Midwife with a mission:

Caroline is set to bring a unique mix of compassion and resilience from her experience as a midwife.

‘I think I’m going in with some advantages and some disadvantages. I’ve got a lot of life experience that’s made me who I am today. If I’d done this as a younger person, I don’t know if I’d be as strong,’ she said. 

Caroline, the Midwife with a Mission: Caroline brings a unique mix of compassion and resilience from her experience in midwifery, ready to face the challenges of Survivor

Caroline, the Midwife with a Mission: Caroline brings a unique mix of compassion and resilience from her experience in midwifery, ready to face the challenges of Survivor

Charles, the worldly Lawyer:

Charles is a legal eagle and has worked in major firms around the world. He’s ready to apply his strategic skills to outwit the competition.

‘I now represent the little guy taking it to the big guy,’ he said.

‘My day job is to outwit my opponents and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do on Survivor.’

Charles, the Worldly Lawyer: Charles is a legal eagle with a global perspective, having worked in major firms worldwide. He's ready to apply his strategic skills to outwit the competition

Charles, the Worldly Lawyer: Charles is a legal eagle with a global perspective, having worked in major firms worldwide. He’s ready to apply his strategic skills to outwit the competition 

Eden, the Cinema Area Manager with a wild side:

Eden’s experience managing diverse teams and his adventurous spirit, honed in the Alaskan wilderness and the Amazon jungle, make him a formidable contender.

‘I’m not that person but it’s about stamping my authority on this game and knowing I can do anything that’s put in front of me,’ he says. 

Eden, the Cinema Area Manager with a Wild Side: Eden's experience managing diverse teams and his adventurous spirit, honed in the Alaskan wilderness and the Amazon jungle, make him a formidable contender

Eden, the Cinema Area Manager with a Wild Side: Eden’s experience managing diverse teams and his adventurous spirit, honed in the Alaskan wilderness and the Amazon jungle, make him a formidable contender

Frankie, the Salon Owner with strategy:

Frankie understands the importance of giving everyone a voice, a skill she plans to use to navigate the complex social dynamics of Survivor.

‘Survivor plays a little bit like high school and you can start to see the little cliques being formed,’ she said. 

‘People are sizing each other up and there’s the popular group and the quieter ones. But people have seen this movie, the popular kids get killed first.’

Frankie, the Salon Owner with Strategy: Frankie understands the importance of giving everyone a voice, a skill she plans to use to navigate the complex social dynamics of Survivor

Frankie, the Salon Owner with Strategy: Frankie understands the importance of giving everyone a voice, a skill she plans to use to navigate the complex social dynamics of Survivor

Jaden, the Gentle Giant:

This strongman may seem intimidating, but Jaden sees himself as a gentle giant. 

‘I’m a tough, tatted up dude, but that’s not really the case.,’ he said.

‘I get angry and aggressive at the gym trying to lift weights but if you see me outside the gym, I’m always laughing and smiling.’

Jaden, the Gentle Giant: This strongman may seem intimidating, but his amiable personality and pride in his Australian heritage make him a unique and endearing competitor

Jaden, the Gentle Giant: This strongman may seem intimidating, but his amiable personality and pride in his Australian heritage make him a unique and endearing competitor

Jessica, the unsympathetic Academic:

Jessica is ready to leverage her intellect and resilience to outwit and outlast the competition.

‘My life experiences have really finessed my ability to play the ‘outwit’ side of this game,’ she said.

‘I also have resilience so can outplay. So all I really need to do is outlast.’

Jessica, the Unsympathetic Academic: Jessica is ready to leverage her intellect and resilience to outwit and outlast the competition

Jessica, the Unsympathetic Academic: Jessica is ready to leverage her intellect and resilience to outwit and outlast the competition

Kitty, the empowering Business Owner:

Kitty’s mission to help women break free from constraints extends to her game plan in Survivor, where she aims to use her connection-building skills in the competition.

‘I’m really strong, I’m gritty and I want to win. We built our gym on connections with people and I think that’s one of my strengths,’ she says.

‘I’m going to go in there and just have the best time. I want to survive in Samoa, eat coconuts, build shelters and experience it all.’ 

Kitty, the Empowering Business Owner: Kitty's mission to help women break free from constraints extends to her game plan in Survivor, where she aims to use her strength and connection-building skills

Kitty, the Empowering Business Owner: Kitty’s mission to help women break free from constraints extends to her game plan in Survivor, where she aims to use her strength and connection-building skills

Mark, the diplomatic Ex-Diplomat:

Mark’s background in diplomacy gives him a unique edge in the game’s strategic play.

‘Diplomacy is absolutely about working behind closed doors and influencing others which is exactly what I’ll be trying to do on Survivor, I’m good at it,’ he explains.

Mark, the Diplomatic Ex-Diplomat: Mark's background in diplomacy gives him a unique edge in the game's strategic play

Mark, the Diplomatic Ex-Diplomat: Mark’s background in diplomacy gives him a unique edge in the game’s strategic play

Nathan, the AFL Agent with a game plan:

This former AFL player is set to bring his analytical skills to the game.

‘I don’t think it’s redemption for what I’ve done in my career but it’s being able to show people I’ve got what it takes,’ he says. 

‘But who knows if it’ll go that way ha, ask me again in 47 days.’ 

Nathan, the AFL Agent with a Game Plan: This former AFL player is set to bring his analytical skills and adaptability to the game

Nathan, the AFL Agent with a Game Plan: This former AFL player is set to bring his analytical skills and adaptability to the game

Valeria, the sleeper Competitor:

Valeria plans to surprise her competitors with her hidden strengths, using her deceptive appearance to her advantage.

‘I feel like when you look at me, I might look cute for day one but by day two, the sleeping bear inside of me is ready to fight,’ she says.

‘I won’t be afraid to play the cliché girl who seems worried about her hair and makeup, I can play that for a while but that’s when I’ll blindside them.’ 

Valeria, the Sleeper Competitor: Valeria plans to surprise her competitors with her hidden strengths, using her deceptive appearance to her advantage

Valeria, the Sleeper Competitor: Valeria plans to surprise her competitors with her hidden strengths, using her deceptive appearance to her advantage

Viola, the Powerlifter with a story:

Viola’s compelling personal journey and strategic mind make her a strong and inspiring contestant.

‘The thing with a big family is there are always sides,’ she says.

‘Everyone’s going to fight over food, over the TV, so you have to be strategic and I can deal with different personalities.’ 

Viola, the Powerlifter with a Story: Viola's compelling personal journey and strategic mind make her a strong and inspiring contestant

Viola, the Powerlifter with a Story: Viola’s compelling personal journey and strategic mind make her a strong and inspiring contestant

Winna, the Competitive Eater with a plan:

Winna has a clever game plan when it comes to the competition. 

‘Life is sales no matter what it is – a job interview, a girlfriend,’ he said.

‘If you can show you’re valuable, then people will want you around. And I’m going to do that on this island.’ 

Winna, the Competitive Eater with a Plan: Winna's unique strategy involves leveraging her competitive eating skills to thrive in the game

Winna, the Competitive Eater with a Plan: Winna’s unique strategy involves leveraging her competitive eating skills to thrive in the game

The Rebels

Aileen, the assertive Waitress:

Aileen’s rebellious streak and disciplined nature are her key assets in the game.

“I went through everything first and experimented with everything first,’ she explains.

‘My parents were really strict with me and I really rebelled against that. But that’s also where I got my assertiveness and discipline which I think will help me here.’

Aileen, the Assertive Waitress: Aileen's rebellious streak and disciplined nature are her key assets in the game

Aileen, the Assertive Waitress: Aileen’s rebellious streak and disciplined nature are her key assets in the game

Alex, the revolutionary Maths Teacher: 

Alex aims to bring his passion for education reformto the forefront in Survivor.

‘I’m a rebel teacher and I want to change the education system because it’s currently just creating robots,’ he says.

‘We’re creating people for corporate jobs and I want a community where people can find their passion and figure out how they contribute to the world and live a more purposeful life. 

As a rebel teacher, I fight Titans every single day. It’s called the education system.’ 

Alex, the Revolutionary Maths Teacher: Alex aims to bring his passion for education reform and his personal motivations to the forefront in Survivor

Alex, the Revolutionary Maths Teacher: Alex aims to bring his passion for education reform and his personal motivations to the forefront in Survivor

Feras, the HR Manager with a mission:

Feras is determined to challenge stereotypes and prove his mettle as a contestant from a minority background.

‘I want to prove people wrong and show little seven-year-old Feras that he can do something like this,’ he says.

‘I want to be the minority who takes over the majority. I’m a Rebel through and through.’

Feras, the HR Manager with a Mission: Feras is determined to challenge stereotypes and prove his mettle as a contestant from a minority background

Feras, the HR Manager with a Mission: Feras is determined to challenge stereotypes and prove his mettle as a contestant from a minority background

Garrick, the age-defying Loss Prevention Officer:

Garrick plans to use his experience in dealing with deceit to outplay younger contestants.

‘My day job has definitely prepared me for Survivor,’ he says.

‘I deal with deceit every day. I don’t feel like I’m nearly 60. My motto is don’t let the old man in. Think young and have fun.

‘People are going to underestimate my physical ability and think I’m the old fella so I think I might surprise quite a few of them.’ 

Garrick, the Age-Defying Loss Prevention Officer: Garrick plans to use his youthfulness and experience in dealing with deceit to outplay younger contestants

Garrick, the Age-Defying Loss Prevention Officer: Garrick plans to use his youthfulness and experience in dealing with deceit to outplay younger contestants

Kelli, the analytical Psychologist:

Kelli’s expertise in human behavior will be her tool in navigating the complexities of the game.

‘I’ve been analysing people for more than half my life. I get to meet beautiful people and see the dynamics between people,’ she says.

‘Coming into this, is like a psychologist playground – I can watch everyone and assess what’s happening.’

Kelli, the Analytical Psychologist: Kelli's expertise in human behavior will be her tool in navigating the complexities of the game

Kelli, the Analytical Psychologist: Kelli’s expertise in human behavior will be her tool in navigating the complexities of the game

Kirby, the empowering AFLW Coach:

Kirby’s commitment to mentoring and empowering others, especially through her Aboriginal heritage, will guide her Survivor journey.

‘I had a few knee reconstructions and concussions so that’s probably why I feel so old. Physically. Not in spirit, I’m a kid at heart,’ she says.

Kirby, the Empowering AFLW Coach: Kirby's commitment to mentoring and empowering others, especially through her Aboriginal heritage, will guide her Survivor journey

 Kirby, the Empowering AFLW Coach: Kirby’s commitment to mentoring and empowering others, especially through her Aboriginal heritage, will guide her Survivor journey

Peta, the Bar Manager with a rebel heart:

Peta’s life experiences and rebellious nature are her strengths in the unpredictable game of Survivor.

‘I’m a Rebel by nature and I think life is bland if you don’t have a bit of a rebellious streak in you,’ she explains.

‘I don’t want to surround myself with bland people and I think the Rebels are going to have some fun out here.’ 

Peta, the Bar Manager with a Rebel Heart: Peta's life experiences and rebellious nature are her strengths in the unpredictable game of Survivor

Peta, the Bar Manager with a Rebel Heart: Peta’s life experiences and rebellious nature are her strengths in the unpredictable game of Survivor

Raymond, the Retail Worker seeking authenticity:

Raymond aims to bring his genuine self to the game.

‘Growing up, I think I’ve worried too much about how I’ve been perceived by people and that can make you not accomplish the things you want so I’m trying to not get too hung up what people think anymore,’ he says. 

Raymond, the Retail Worker Seeking Authenticity: Raymond aims to shed his concerns about perception and bring his genuine self to the game.

Raymond, the Retail Worker Seeking Authenticity: Raymond aims to shed his concerns about perception and bring his genuine self to the game.

Rianna, the resilient Paramedic:

 Rianna’s tough job experiences and love for solo camping trips make her a strong and self-sufficient competitor.

‘My job is really tough. I’ve had so many highs like delivering babies and it’s so amazing but then we see some really sad or dangerous things and you need to be strong, so that’s tough,’ she explains.

‘We’ve gotta spend 47 days out here, dealing with rain and other elements. Do I have what it takes? 100%. I go on solo camping trips, I know how to fend for myself, I am excited to be out here for 47 days.’

Rianna, the Resilient Paramedic: Rianna's tough job experiences and love for solo camping trips make her a strong and self-sufficient competitor

Rianna, the Resilient Paramedic: Rianna’s tough job experiences and love for solo camping trips make her a strong and self-sufficient competitor 

Sarah, the dedicated Firefighter:

Sarah brings a sense of connection and pride from her firefighting career to the game.

‘After school, I was just going to go to Uni like everyone else and I got a sign from the universe when someone came forward and asked if I’d ever thought about this career. And it fits me so perfectly. I am proud when I put on my uniform each day,’ she said.

Sarah, the Dedicated Firefighter: Sarah brings a sense of connection and pride from her firefighting career to the game

Sarah, the Dedicated Firefighter: Sarah brings a sense of connection and pride from her firefighting career to the game

Scott, the Creative Art Director with big dreams:

Scott’s physical fitness and creative intellect, along with his personal motivations, make him a unique player in the game.

‘Winning is super important to me. $500,000 is life-changing for someone like me, I’ve never seen that sort of money,’ he says.

‘I could help my family, I could start my own family with my partner. That’s not cheap or easy to do in a queer relationship in Australia right now. So winning is a huge motivator!’ 

Scott, the Creative Art Director with Big Dreams: Scott's combination of physical fitness and creative intellect, along with his personal motivations, make him a unique player in the game

Scott, the Creative Art Director with Big Dreams: Scott’s combination of physical fitness and creative intellect, along with his personal motivations, make him a unique player in the game

Tobias, the thrill-seeking Construction Manager:

Tobias’s love for adventure and his strategic approach to bending rules will be key elements in his gameplay.

‘I’m good at talking my way out of trouble ha. And I’ll bend those rules till they start to snap. I’m an arachnophobe. I hate spiders, they make me want to vomit,’ he said. 

Tobias, the Thrill-Seeking Construction Manager: Tobias's love for adventure and his strategic approach to bending rules will be key elements in his gameplay

Tobias, the Thrill-Seeking Construction Manager: Tobias’s love for adventure and his strategic approach to bending rules will be key elements in his gameplay


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