Jackie O Henderson, radio host, revisits driving test – disaster ensues when road skills are put to the test

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Jackie O Henderson revisited her driving test on Wednesday but she made several errors on the road.

The 49-year-old radio host got into the driver’s seat with an instructor who tested her driving skills.

After getting onto the road, Jackie looked to the side and waved at a learner driver while driving.

‘And that in itself is against the law rule,’ the instructor said.

Jackie then blasted the radio and started singing along to the music before saying: ‘I love this song sorry.’

Jackie O Henderson (pictured) revisited her driving test on Wednesday but she made several errors on the road

Jackie O Henderson (pictured) revisited her driving test on Wednesday but she made several errors on the road

The radio host then started driving down a road before questioning whether it is a one-way street’.

‘What’s the speed limit around here?’ she then asked.

Jackie was then required to reverse park the car but questioned: ‘How do you see when it’s in reverse?’

‘It’s a very basic model,’ the instructor said.

The 49-year-old radio host got into the driver's seat with an instructor (pictured) who tested her driving skills

The 49-year-old radio host got into the driver’s seat with an instructor (pictured) who tested her driving skills

After parking, the driving instructor informed her to put the car into park and put the handbrake on.

‘We could have just knocked down a small child but that’s ok,’ she told Jackie.

At the end of her test, the instructor informed Jackie: ‘Three blind spot errors, and a fourth one would have been a fail.’

‘I’ve genuinely passed,’ a stunned Jackie said before jokingly adding: ‘But what if I run over someone.’

At the end of her test, the instructor informed Jackie: 'Three blind spot errors and a fourth one would have been a fail'

At the end of her test, the instructor informed Jackie: ‘Three blind spot errors and a fourth one would have been a fail’

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