JACI STEPHEN’s Soapwatch: The Mission to Rescue Denise

JACI STEPHEN’s Soapwatch: The Mission to Rescue Denise


Life’s never been much fun for Denise. But even scrabbling around in litter bins for food when she was hard up beats what she’s going through at the moment. 

When she starts talking to Stacey about what she’s seeing and hearing, Stacey recognises it as psychosis and tries to convince her to see a doctor (let’s hope it’s not one who trained at the same medical school as Corrie’s Dr Gaddas).

When Stacey confides in Suki about her affair with detective Jack, Suki insists she must end it for all their sakes. Hang on, Suki. You were a closet lesbian your entire married life, and your current lover has no idea you’ve been involved in covering up a murder. 

Stacey nevertheless ends things with Jack but they’re interrupted by a call from Lucas, who’s in jail, expressing his fears about Denise. When a serial killer expresses fear, you know you have to listen big time.

Denise, meanwhile, is driving at high speed through woodland, with Jack’s daughter Amy in tow. Hansel and Gretel it ain’t. 

When Stacey (pictured) confides in Suki about her affair with detective Jack, Suki insists it must end

When Stacey (pictured) confides in Suki about her affair with detective Jack, Suki insists it must end 

With Denise (pictured) in the grips of psychosis, Suki thinks the women need to look after her in shifts if that’s what it takes to protect their secret

With Denise (pictured) in the grips of psychosis, Suki thinks the women need to look after her in shifts if that’s what it takes to protect their secret

With the locals having got wind of Denise’s disappearance, Suki thinks the women need to rally round and look after her in shifts if that’s what it takes to protect their secret.

A spectre with style

Denise’s hallucinations show Keanu much better dressed as a ghost than he was while alive. 

‘She actually believes what she’s seeing,’ says Diane Parish (Denise).

Good. Get the name of his tailor.

And how’s that going to work out? Sharon, on Zoom from Australia? Linda in an alcoholic stupor; Stacey bedding Jack or tending to her brood; Kaffy trying to find a forff ’usband; and Suki herself, who couldn’t organise shifts in a family bathroom.

My prediction that George and Cindy would get it together looks ever more likely when, following George’s conversation with Gloria, he leaves a voicemail for Cindy, who rushes home to see him. 

Reminding him that she’ll always be there for him, my guess is that she’ll have her feet behind the Vic bar by Christmas. God knows they need a decent landlady. 

Elaine spends most of her time the other side of it, puffing herself up like a figurehead at the bow of a ship. I swear she’ll explode if she fills herself with any more hot air. Move on, George.


Dr Gaddas strikes again with more unhelpful advice, this time for Liam, who tells her that he wanted to kill himself. 

That makes him a danger to himself, so he could be detained under the Mental Health Act, but Dr G tells Maria she’s referring Liam to a mental health unit, warning her that there’s a long waiting list and she should ‘keep an eye on him’. 

Maria’s eye failed to notice that her husband was a murderer, so unless she’s been to Specsavers since then, I’m not optimistic.

When Mason goads Gary, telling him that Liam needs to watch his back, Gary sees red and throws him to the ground

When Mason goads Gary, telling him that Liam needs to watch his back, Gary sees red and throws him to the ground

The situation escalates when Mason goads Gary, warning him that Liam needs to watch his back. And Gary’s response? The usual. Goes into major attack mode.

Joel is forced to admit that he has a wife and daughter when Alya shows Dee-Dee footage from the Bistro, where Joel and his ex have been discussing divorce. Alya – keep your beak out! 

And why do people go to the Bistro to discuss sensitive business, in full view of the locals? You’re a solicitor, Joel – there’s a thing called ‘your office’.

Why Joel kept his secret to himself

Why does no one in soapland meet anyone who is not harbouring a secret? Everything looked rosy for Corrie’s Dee-Dee when she met Joel (Callum Gill), but now it turns out he has a wife. Yes, they’re divorcing, but why didn’t he come clean? 

‘He probably thought if he told her too soon about his baggage, she wouldn’t look twice at him,’ says Callum. ‘She’s so intelligent and he admires that.’ You need to get out more, mate. 


Dead Harry turns into a nightmare for Charity

Charity oozes sex appeal, even at her lowest. Unkempt hair, minimal make-up, a jumble sale of a wardrobe. Still, every man – and several women – wants to sleep with her.

She’s been in a bad way since accidentally killing evil Harry on Christmas Day, but in a mood of defiance trashes his grave and feels she’s starting to get her power back. Alas, her relief is short-lived when she starts having nightmares about her victim.

Charity (pictured) has been in a bad way since accidentally killing Harry on Christmas Day

Charity (pictured) has been in a bad way since accidentally killing Harry on Christmas Day

Maybe Charity needs to stop watching EastEnders and getting under the influence of Denise’s hallucinations.

How adorable was the connection between Rhona and Ivy last week? I’ve never seen such a happy, smiling baby. Next time I’m depressed, I want Zoe Henry (Rhona) to come round, sit me on her lap in a bonnet and tell me about all the adventures we’re going to have. 

With Rhona making plans to apply for parental rights of Ivy, the family are unhappy that Ivy is yet again taking priority. Leo plays up in school and then April gives her both barrels for abandoning them. 

I’m with Rhona, who shared more smiles with Ivy in a minute than her family have delivered in a lifetime.


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