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J.B. Smoove’s Curb Your Enthusiasm audition brings laughter and praise from Larry David: ‘Grateful for the chance to shine!’

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After a long and successful run of 12 seasons over a span of 24 years on HBO, Curb Your Enthusiasm wrapped up with its finale episode on April 7. 

In the wake of the series coming to an end, a video of J.B. Smoove’s audition with the show’s star Larry David has resurfaced, and it encapsulates their incredible chemistry that oftentimes resulted in the stars bursting out into laughter.

The series, which starred Larry David as a fictionalized version of himself, followed his life as a semi-retired television writer and producer in Los Angeles.

It also starred Cheryl Hines as his wife Cheryl, Jeff Garlin as his manager and best friend Jeff Greene, Susie Essman as Jeff’s wife Susie, and ultimately Smoove, who played Larry’s house mate Leon Black, beginning in season six back in 2007. 

It turns out the actor, who had been just let go by Saturday Night Live, had flown to LA for a funeral in 2006, the same week the Curb crew were looking to cast the role of Leon, so his agent scored him an audition that ended up securing him the job.

J.B. Smoove's audition video for Curb Your Enthusiasm in 2006 resurfaced and shows Larry David laughing and offering up a high-five after making the star of the show laugh

J.B. Smoove’s audition video for Curb Your Enthusiasm in 2006 resurfaced and shows Larry David laughing and offering up a high-five after making the star of the show laugh

In the audition video, Smoove sat down in a chair next to David already in character as Leon from the moment he walked into the room. 

Knowing Curb Your Enthusiasm was famously an improv show, Smoove as Leon begins to get restless shifting back and forth in his seat.

‘Anyway Leon, let’s go,’ Larry says off the top of the clip in character, while noticing Leon wasn’t quite situated just yet.

‘The seat don’t move back,’ Leon shoots back to him as he continued to make funny body movements, which elicited lots of laughs from the people behind the camera.

After making a joke about all the money the show has been making they could have gotten better chairs, Larry does his best to keep a straight face and not laugh too much.

‘Yea, that’s the environment,’ he responds, adding, ‘Anyway Leon, I just want to apologize for accusing you of… you know being the Black guy in the house,’ Larry tells Leon after falsely accusing him of ejaculating on a fresh comforter set in the guest room.

‘It turns out it wasn’t you it was my friend Jeff so I’m sorry,’ Larry continues, all while he tries to assess whether or not he should have let Leon move into his home.

‘That’s a nasty looking MF anyway. It’s all in his face, you know what I mean?’ Leon says of Jeff Garlin’s character Jeff Greene.

Knowing Curb Your Enthusiasm was famously an improv show, Smoove is already in character as Leon shifting back and forth in his seat off the top of the clip

Knowing Curb Your Enthusiasm was famously an improv show, Smoove is already in character as Leon shifting back and forth in his seat off the top of the clip

'The seat don't move back,' Leon shoots back to him as he continued to make funny body movements, which elicited lots of laughs from the people behind the camera

‘The seat don’t move back,’ Leon shoots back to him as he continued to make funny body movements, which elicited lots of laughs from the people behind the camera

For the audition Larry accuses Leon of masturbating on a comforter in the guest room, but he ends up apologizing after realizing it was his friend Jeff who left the shocking deposit

For the audition Larry accuses Leon of masturbating on a comforter in the guest room, but he ends up apologizing after realizing it was his friend Jeff who left the shocking deposit

After describing Jeff as someone who 'got that look' for masturbating, Smoove makes the case for Leon not needing to masturbate because he has had too many sexual partners, which set off Larry into a laughing fit and offer a high-five to his scene partner

After describing Jeff as someone who ‘got that look’ for masturbating, Smoove makes the case for Leon not needing to masturbate because he has had too many sexual partners, which set off Larry into a laughing fit and offer a high-five to his scene partner

Smoove, 58, thanked David 'for the opportunity to shine of my favorite show' in the caption

Smoove, 58, thanked David ‘for the opportunity to shine of my favorite show’ in the caption

‘He got that look like, you know what I mean, like he has to do that,’ Leon continued with his description of Jeff after the masturbating incident, which set off more laughs, including from Larry. ‘

‘You see, I don’t got to do that man. I don’t have to do that,’ he explains, while insinuating that he has had too many sexual partners to be masturbating on Larry’s comforter.

‘Oh, I gets my mine, I gets mine,’ Leon says twice to make his point, which prompts Larry to shake his head in a bit of disbelief. ‘And I ain’t gonna leave a deposit on your comforter, I’ll tell you that much,’ which eventually got a laugh out of Larry, who then proceeds to offer up a high-five hand slap of appreciation as he said, ‘Okay,’ with a big beaming smile on his face.

Along with the hilarious audition clip, Smoove (born Jerry Angelo Brooks), 58, shared a message of appreciation in the caption.

‘Larry meets Leon! This is the opening of my 2006 audition! Damn! Crazy how time flys!!’ he wrote,, before adding, ‘Still bringing that Ruckus and Curb is still Pretty Pretty Pretty amazing! Thank you LD for the opportunity to shine on my favorite show.’

Smoove , who has been open about his technique for auditions over the years, discussed how he always comes into the scene already in character.

‘I don’t walk into the MF room as J.B. and say, “I’m J.B. Smoove and I’m about to play the role of Leon,” and then turn Leon on. That means you have to change gears and you got to get in your f***ing zone. Why not get into the zone in the waiting room,’ he told Howard Stern during a 2017 interview.

Smoove revealed that he came into the audition already in character, which is what he always does when trying to land an acting role

Smoove revealed that he came into the audition already in character, which is what he always does when trying to land an acting role

After getting hired for Curb Your Enthusiasm, Smoove played the role of Leon for seven seasons starting with season six

After getting hired for Curb Your Enthusiasm, Smoove played the role of Leon for seven seasons starting with season six

‘I started doing mannerisms saying, “I know who the f**k this dude is,” Smoove explained to Stern. ‘Once I read the sides I said, “I know who Leon is. I know a few Leon’s. I had a Leon at my house.’

When asked who Leon is by the show host, Smoove sat back and pontificated, ‘Leon was a guy I felt that lived from day to day. He is somewhat of an opportunist but he’s a guy who’s got your back.’

He added, ‘He’s the dude you would take with you to fight a ticket. He’s a guy you would go to court with. You would take this guy to help you break up with a girl. He’s that dude.’

Before the audition, ‘Curb’ writers hadn’t fleshed out the Leon character, according to Trung Phan in a post on X . But when they saw Smoove, ‘they knew that was Leon.’






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