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Influencer under fire for making racially insensitive joke about son’s school lunch, exacerbates situation with awkward explanation video

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An Australian influencer has been branded ‘racist’ for calling her son’s curried egg sandwiches ‘smelly’.

Wellness influencer Sarah Stevenson, known as Sarah’s Day to her 1.2million followers, divided the internet with her comments this week.

While the majority of fans defended the star and said that the backlash was a complete overreaction, others demanded that she issue a public apology. 

The drama started when the 31-year-old vlogger said that her son would be ‘the smelly boy in the playground’ if he brought curried egg sandwiches to school for lunch.

‘Do you want to be “smelly curried egg boy”?’ she asked the youngster. 

Australian influencer Sarah Stevenson (pictured) has been branded 'racist' for calling her son's curried egg sandwiches 'smelly'

Australian influencer Sarah Stevenson (pictured) has been branded ‘racist’ for calling her son’s curried egg sandwiches ‘smelly’

Sarah’s statement enraged one of her followers, who sent her a direct message accusing her of being ‘borderline racist’ and throwing ‘massive shade’ at an entire culture. 

Explaining herself, the vlogger said she was referring to the ‘egg smell’  and not the curry.

‘Didn’t everyone go to school with someone who brought eggs in their lunch and you’re like, “ew, you smell like rotten eggs”? Not “you smell like curry!” I’m being racist to eggs,’ she joked. 

Sarah's comments enraged one of her followers, who sent her a direct message accusing the influencer of being 'borderline racist' and throwing 'massive shade' at an entire culture

Sarah’s comments enraged one of her followers, who sent her a direct message accusing the influencer of being ‘borderline racist’ and throwing ‘massive shade’ at an entire culture

Making light of the situation, Sarah then showed her followers how to make ‘racist eggs’ in a cooking tutorial.

She also joked about being dyslexic, but then said it was fine because her husband suffers from the learning disorder. 

The clip was posted on Outspoken the Podcast’s official Instagram account, where dozens of fans weighed in on the issue. 

‘She should have apologised and taken it down instead she’s made it worse,’ barked one. 

‘She should have apologised and let the comment go not drawn this much attention to it,’ said another.

Explaining herself, the vlogger said she was referring to the 'egg smell' and not the curry

Explaining herself, the vlogger said she was referring to the ‘egg smell’ and not the curry 

Making light of the situation, Sarah then showed her followers how to make 'racist eggs' in a cooking tutorial

She also joked about being dyslexic, but then said it was fine because her husband suffers from the learning disorder

Making light of the situation, Sarah then showed her followers how to make ‘racist eggs’ in a cooking tutorial

However, despite some backlash, the vast majority of the comments were supportive of Sarah. 

‘I just think it was taken way to out of context, why can we now not talk about curried egg being smelly… it is!!’ wrote one.   

‘Eggs smell, period. She gets put under a microscope for absolutely everything she says no wonder she’s scrambling. Leave the poor girl alone,’ wrote another.

One commented: ‘Let’s not think too much into it! Honestly. We all know boiled eggs smell! People just need to stop being so sensitive.’

Despite the backlash, many of Sarah's followers defended her and pointed out that eggs are actually smelly and describing them as such isn't a big deal

Despite the backlash, many of Sarah’s followers defended her and pointed out that eggs are actually smelly and describing them as such isn’t a big deal

Indeed, eggs do smell badly due to the sulphur found in them, which becomes more prominent when they’re cooked.  

According to culinary scientist Jessica Gavin, boiling eggs releases the iron in the yolk while the whites release sulfur and hydrogen that causes the smell to occur. 

There are certain cooking tricks and tips that can diffuse the stench, such as boiling eggs with a few teaspoons of white distilled vinegar. 

Why do boiled eggs smell and how does white vinegar prevent it?  

Culinary scientist Jessica Gavin wrote on her website that cooking eggs releases chemicals in the food to form an unpleasant gas

The yolk releases iron while the egg whites release sulfur and hydrogen that causes the smell to occur when mixed together

Adding the white distilled vinegar to the water when boiling the eggs will help prevent this chemical reaction from occurring without impacting the taste of the food

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