Hayden Christensen Didn’t Expect to Land Role in Star Wars Prequel Trilogy and Discusses Criticism Surrounding It

Hayden Christensen Didn’t Expect to Land Role in Star Wars Prequel Trilogy and Discusses Criticism Surrounding It

More than two decades after he landed the role that changed his career – Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequel trilogy – Hayden Christensen is opening up about his experience.

The 42-year-old actor was just 19 year of age when he landed the role of Anakin Skywalker, the future Darth Vader, in 2002’s Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. 

Christensen is now opening up on the entire process from the audition to filming to all of the negative backlash from the film in a wide-ranging interview with Empire. 

The actor revealed he was just 18 years old when his agent told him about a potential audition for the iconic character, though he thought it was too big for him to get.

He revealed he was just 11 or 12 years old when his older brother introduced him to the characters through all of his action figures, and later the movies themselves. 

More than two decades after he landed the role that changed his career - Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequel trilogy - Hayden Christensen is opening up about his experience

More than two decades after he landed the role that changed his career – Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequel trilogy – Hayden Christensen is opening up about his experience

The 42-year-old actor was just 19 year of age when he landed the role of Anakin Skywalker, the future Darth Vader, in 2002's Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.

The 42-year-old actor was just 19 year of age when he landed the role of Anakin Skywalker, the future Darth Vader, in 2002’s Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.

‘I was 18, and I got a call from my agent saying that they were casting for Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars and I thought, “Wow, how cool.” But it just seemed too big,’ Christensen admitted. 

‘And I remember asking my agent, “Is there maybe another role that they’re also casting right now that you can put me up for? Because Anakin sort of seems unattainable.” And there was not. So I threw my name in the hat like everyone else,’ he added.

Director George Lucas reportedly saw upwards of 1,500 actors to play the older Anakin, taking over the role from Jake Lloyd as the younger Anakin, one of whom was Leonardo DiCaprio, who is seven years older than Christensen.

‘I had heard that they’d met with Leonardo and a bunch of other actors. That just confirmed my thought that the role would go to another actor,’ he admitted. 

‘Through the entire auditioning process I had told myself, from day one, that I wasn’t going to get the part. It just wasn’t a possibility. And I think that probably helped me a lot, because it just freed me up in a lot of ways. And so it really came as a surprise to me when I got the part,’ he said.

Before Episode II, Christensen had appeared in a handful of films and guest-starring TV show roles, with his most notable being 1999’s The Virgin Suicides and 2001’s Life As a House.

To say Attack of the Clones was his biggest movie to date is a huge understatement, though Christensen was up for the challenge.

‘The scope of the opportunity — the enormity of it all — was exciting to me. It was obviously a little daunting too, but there’s a saying: “Pressure is privilege.” I just felt very lucky to have it. I was really thrilled that I was gonna get to express George’s mapping out of how someone goes from good to bad,’ he said.

'I was 18, and I got a call from my agent saying that they were casting for Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars and I thought, “Wow, how cool.” But it just seemed too big,' Christensen admitted

‘I was 18, and I got a call from my agent saying that they were casting for Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars and I thought, “Wow, how cool.” But it just seemed too big,’ Christensen admitted

'And I remember asking my agent, “Is there maybe another role that they’re also casting right now that you can put me up for? Because Anakin sort of seems unattainable.” And there was not. So I threw my name in the hat like everyone else,' he added

‘And I remember asking my agent, “Is there maybe another role that they’re also casting right now that you can put me up for? Because Anakin sort of seems unattainable.” And there was not. So I threw my name in the hat like everyone else,’ he added

He added that he became ‘close friends’ with Ewan McGregor, who plays the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that he ‘took him under his wing’ for the production.

When the movie was released, while it was quite successful financially ($653.7 million worldwide from a $115 million budget), it received quite a bit of negativity from fans.

‘Because Star Wars has had the cultural impact that it has, these characters almost become public domain, where people feel a sense of ownership over them. The character was criticised, my performance was criticised, and that part sucked,’ he admitted. 

‘But I also felt like I had some context that perhaps helped a little bit. When Episode I came out, there was a lot of excitement that they were making a new Star Wars, and it was going to be the backstory of Darth Vader,’ he said. 

‘But I had friends that were upset that the character was starting off as this young kid. And I watched the film, and I loved it. It was everything I wanted and more. And I didn’t understand the disconnect between the movie that I saw, and the negativity in some of the reviews,’ he admitted.

‘In a way that sort of criticism, I think, comes from a certain failure of their own suspension of disbelief. If you’re gonna go sit in a theatre, and the opening scroll starts with, “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”, that’s setting the stage that anything is possible,’ he said. 

‘These people don’t need to sound and behave the way that we might expect. And if you’re going to sit down and think that you’re getting something that is of our current zeitgeist, then you’re setting yourself up for something else,’ he added.

While there was quite a bit of negative fan energy around the prequels when they were released in theaters, fans have now started to embrace his performance, with the actor always getting a massive ovation at convention appearances.

He added that he became 'close friends' with Ewan McGregor, who plays the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that he 'took him under his wing' for the production

He added that he became ‘close friends’ with Ewan McGregor, who plays the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that he ‘took him under his wing’ for the production

When the movie was released, while it was quite successful financially ($653.7 million worldwide from a $115 million budget), it received quite a bit of negativity from fans

When the movie was released, while it was quite successful financially ($653.7 million worldwide from a $115 million budget), it received quite a bit of negativity from fans

'But I also felt like I had some context that perhaps helped a little bit. When Episode I came out, there was a lot of excitement that they were making a new Star Wars, and it was going to be the backstory of Darth Vader,' he said

‘But I also felt like I had some context that perhaps helped a little bit. When Episode I came out, there was a lot of excitement that they were making a new Star Wars, and it was going to be the backstory of Darth Vader,’ he said

While there was quite a bit of negative fan energy around the prequels when they were released in theaters, fans have now started to embrace his performance, with the actor always getting a massive ovation at convention appearances

While there was quite a bit of negative fan energy around the prequels when they were released in theaters, fans have now started to embrace his performance, with the actor always getting a massive ovation at convention appearances

‘It’s been a remarkable experience. And just a very heartwarming one. The journey that I’ve been on with Star Wars over the last 20 plus years… it’s been a wild ride, and where we’re at now is really meaningful to me,’ he said. 

‘I think that those movies have held up well over time. It feels like vindication for the work that we did. Everyone that worked on those movies thought that we were part of something special. We all wanted to do our very best work, and we cared a lot about it. And so to see the response from the fans now, it’s very cool,’ he said.

He has since come back to play Anakin/Darth Vader in the Disney Plus shows Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka, which he’s quite grateful for.

‘When we finished doing the prequels, it felt like that was it, and my journey with the character was over. So to get to come back now and do more with Anakin and Darth Vader was an amazing opportunity. I’m very grateful for the work that I got to do. The scenes that I got to do as Darth Vader on Obi-Wan, that was huge for me. Being able to add a little bit more connective tissue to the character and to bridge the gap into Vader a little bit more is a very worthwhile thing. And the scenes that I got to do as Anakin on Ahsoka was a bucket-list item I didn’t even know I had,’ he said.


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