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‘Eliza and Liberty Angered by Their Lack of Progress on The Block Before Auction Day: ‘We Have Zero Chance of Winning”

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The Block’s five homes in Melbourne’s Hampton East will go under the hammer this weekend. 

And Blockheads Eliza and Liberty have declared they won’t be walking away with the big money on auction day.

The pair are furious because they are convinced the reserve price on their property, House 5, has been set too high.

‘There’s just no chance in hell we’re winning,’ Eliza said on Friday.

‘Because it’s just unrealistically high. And in comparison to the others. Like they [the other contestants] should all be really happy.’

Eliza made the comments during an appearance on KIIS 101.1’s Jase & Lauren.

Liberty, who joined Eliza for the radio interview, teased that she expected Steph and Gian to win.

‘Yeah. But look, Steph and Gian have about 657 buyers on their house. They’re such hustlers. 

‘But yeah, I mean they actually really deserve it because they hustle. We just don’t,’ she said.

Teasing at the pair’s battle with Kristy and Brett all season, Liberty added that the pals would not be happy if ‘some of the other houses won’.

Eliza and Liberty (both pictured) have declared they won't be walking away with the big money on Block auction day this weekend because the reserve price on their house was too high

Eliza and Liberty (both pictured) have declared they won’t be walking away with the big money on Block auction day this weekend because the reserve price on their house was too high

Liberty and Eliza said they expected Steph and Gian to win (both pictured)

Liberty and Eliza said they expected Steph and Gian to win (both pictured)

However, Eliza interrupted and sounded as if she was now prepared to set aside any old issues the pair might have with the other Blockheads.

‘No we wouldn’t be mad [if the others won]. Can I just say, I’ve turned over a new leaf. I can’t give anything away but there’s been a moment,’ Eliza said.

Reserve prices for the auction will be kept secret just before bidding begins.

But the selling price on Eliza and Liberty’s House 5 has been advertised as $2,800,000 – $3,000,000, which is the market value for similar properties.

Liberty and Eliza teased that they have set aside their long-running feud with Kristy and Brett

Liberty and Eliza teased that they have set aside their long-running feud with Kristy and Brett

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