Danny Miller from Emmerdale teases Robert Sugden’s possible return, shares how he convinced Ryan Hawley to come back to the soap

Danny Miller from Emmerdale teases Robert Sugden’s possible return, shares how he convinced Ryan Hawley to come back to the soap

Emmerdale viewers may finally get their wish as Danny Miller teased a return for Ryan Hawkley and the fan favourite duo ‘Robron’.

The actor, who recently returned himself after seemingly leaving the Dales for good, admitted he is trying to talk his former co-star into returning.

Danny, who plays Aaron Dingle, revealed he is desperate for his friend Ryan to return to his role as the character’s ex-husband Robert Sugden.

Ryan quit the show in 2019 after Robert was sentenced to life in prison over the death of Lee Posner, who he accidentally killed during an attack.

Robert attacked Lee after learning he had raped his sister Victoria Sugden and later owned up to his crime and was sentenced to time in prison.  

Comeback! Emmerdale viewers may finally get their wish as Danny Miller teased a return for Ryan Hawkley and the fan favourite duo (pictured on their wedding day in 2018)

Comeback! Emmerdale viewers may finally get their wish as Danny Miller teased a return for Ryan Hawkley and the fan favourite duo (pictured on their wedding day in 2018)

Jail time: Ryan quit the show in 2019 after Robert was sentenced to life in prison over the death of Lee Posner, who he accidentally killed during an attack (pictured in court in 2019)

Jail time: Ryan quit the show in 2019 after Robert was sentenced to life in prison over the death of Lee Posner, who he accidentally killed during an attack (pictured in court in 2019)

However, there may be hope of a return, following a series of hints that Robert may have not caused his death after all.  

It later emerged that Lee had also been hit by his brother Luke, which may have been the actual cause of his death. 

Danny and viewers alike are keen for Ryan’s return, as he recently told TV Times magazine, Danny said: ‘I’m still great friends with Ryan Hawley [who memorably played Aaron’s husband, Robert Sugden]. 

Adam Thomas [AKA Adam Barton] is off doing his own thing, as is Kelvin Fletcher [who portrayed Andy Sugden], but we’re all still very close.

‘I think if I could pick one person, though, I’d love to work with Ryan again. It’s just a case of if I can talk him round. Every single day I get a video or message saying ‘Bring back Robron!’.

Last week, Aaron was unveiled as the mystery man being held hostage in an abandoned farmhouse by family members Cain and Caleb.

But despite making a dramatic comeback, fans of the soap were already calling for the character to leave the village for good following his treatment of the beloved Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt).

Viewers watched Aaron rage at Cain (Jeff Hordley) and Caleb (William Ash) last week as they kept him tied up in the farmhouse after they kidnapped him in Italy to save him from the mafia, with Aaron having picked a fight with members of the criminal organisation.

Reunited? Danny, who plays Aaron Dingle, revealed he is desperate for his friend Ryan to return to his role as the character's ex-husband Robert Sugden

Reunited? Danny, who plays Aaron Dingle, revealed he is desperate for his friend Ryan to return to his role as the character’s ex-husband Robert Sugden

Already? Last week, Aaron was unveiled as the mystery man being held hostage in an abandoned farmhouse by family members Cain and Caleb

Already? Last week, Aaron was unveiled as the mystery man being held hostage in an abandoned farmhouse by family members Cain and Caleb

Harsh: Aaron was on the warpath with local residents and unleashed his acid tongue on an unsuspecting Paddy, spitting out some harsh comments about his previous suicide attempt.

Harsh: Aaron was on the warpath with local residents and unleashed his acid tongue on an unsuspecting Paddy, spitting out some harsh comments about his previous suicide attempt.

Aaron then had a run in with local gangster Harry after he took his mother Chas (Lucy Pargeter) hostage last week, plowing the criminal down with a car, before heading back to the village.

This week, Aaron was on the warpath with the local residents, and unleashed his acid tongue on an unsuspecting Paddy, spitting out some very harsh comments about his previous suicide attempt.

Bumping into him in the cafe, Paddy was surprised Aaron had not come to find him, saying: ‘I missed you, and I thought you’d miss me.’

Noticing Aaron’s dark mood, Paddy tried to comfort Aaron, suspecting he was grieving his sister Liv who was killed in a storm a year ago.

Paddy told him: ‘Don’t pretend it doesn’t affect you. We all know how much you loved her.’

He went to try and get Aaron to open up about what was troubling him, discussing his own troubles including his suicide attempt.

Paddy said: ‘I came close to doing something there was no coming back from’

However, Aaron’s response was cruel: ‘I heard all about that. How you didn’t have the guts to go through with it. Pathetic, Paddy. 

‘Maybe you should have done it. Done us all a favour. We’re better off without you.’

The moment left viewers aghast, with many taking to Twitter to express their disgust while called for Aaron to leave the village despite arriving back just days ago. 

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Horrified: The moment left viewers aghast, with many taking to Twitter to express their disgust while called for Aaron to leave the village despite arriving back just days ago

Horrified: The moment left viewers aghast, with many taking to Twitter to express their disgust while called for Aaron to leave the village despite arriving back just days ago

One person wrote: ‘If this is the way Aaron is going to behave I want him gone he’s getting on my nerves!’

Someone else wrote: ‘Why have they brought Aaron back being a complete tool!’

While someone else posted: ‘Can’t believe Aaron actually said that. Maybe it’s the grief talking. NO WAY does he mean that.’

‘Wow, I can’t believe Aaron just said that to Paddy about his suicide attempt,’ posted another shocked viewer.

While someone else shared: ‘Aaron!!! How could you!!! @DannyBMiller Poor Paddy!!! #Emmerdale #itv #ItvEmmerdale.’

Someone else shared: ‘Ee-by-gum. Aaron even more nasty & cruel. What vile words to say to Paddy. Horrid man. Never could stand him.’

‘Aaron speaking to Paddy like that breaks my heart,’ wrote someone else, while another person commented: ‘Wow Aaron that was below the belt!! Paddy has done so much for you!!’

Another person posted: ‘I’m glad Aaron is back I don’t like his bad boy attitude what did poor Paddy ever do.’

Gripping scenes: Emmerdale viewers were delighted as they watched Aaron Dingle leave his mother Chas in the hands of her gangster hostage-takers during Friday's episode

Gripping scenes: Emmerdale viewers were delighted as they watched Aaron Dingle leave his mother Chas in the hands of her gangster hostage-takers during Friday’s episode


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