Cher Expresses Concern Over Son Elijah Blue’s Whereabouts, Fears for His Well-being and Possible Substance Abuse Amid Ongoing Legal Battle with Wife

Cher Expresses Concern Over Son Elijah Blue’s Whereabouts, Fears for His Well-being and Possible Substance Abuse Amid Ongoing Legal Battle with Wife

Showbiz legend Cher has lost contact with her drug-addled son Elijah Blue Allman, she complained in new court papers filed just hours before a decision on his welfare is due to be made in court Friday.

And, she says, she fears that if Elijah is allowed full access to thousands of dollars he is due from a trust fund he will spend it all on drugs.

‘Due to severe mental health and substance abuse issues, Elijah is not currently able to manage his finances,’ Cher said in a petition to a Los Angeles court filed Thursday.

She says if he got his hands on his money ‘such funds will be immediately spent on drugs, leaving Elijah with no assets to provide for himself and putting his life at risk.’ 

The move by Cher, 77, is the latest in the increasingly bitter battle between the Oscar, Grammy and Emmy winner and her daughter-in-law Marieangela ‘Queeny’ King that has been simmering for years.

Elijah Blue and his wife Marieangela 'Queeny' King have reconciled and are now living together, King's attorney told

Elijah Blue and his wife Marieangela ‘Queeny’ King have reconciled and are now living together, King’s attorney told

In September, obtained photos showing a disheveled Allman outside Hollywood's famed Chateau Marmont – where he had been living – just before he was removed by police and sent into treatment

In September, obtained photos showing a disheveled Allman outside Hollywood’s famed Chateau Marmont – where he had been living – just before he was removed by police and sent into treatment 

Cher, 77, (pictured with her son in 2001) filed court papers seeking to place Elijah in a conservatorship, claiming that he is addicted to drugs and unable to manage his financial affairs

Cher, 77, (pictured with her son in 2001) filed court papers seeking to place Elijah in a conservatorship, claiming that he is addicted to drugs and unable to manage his financial affairs

Earlier this week King claimed she had to risk her life rescuing her husband from a drug rehab center in Mexico that Cher had sent him to and the couple appealed to a court to call off their divorce.

Queeny’s attorney Regina Ratner told the couple were in the process of reconciling and were now living together.

Friday’s hearing will decide whether Cher will be appointed her son’s temporary conservator until a full hearing in March.

‘The appointment of a temporary conservator is urgently needed to receive the distribution owed to Elijah so that such funds can be held and managed for his benefit,’ Cher’s lawyer Lilian Walden Givens writes.

‘There is no harm to Elijah’s estate if a temporary conservator is appointed,’ adds Givens. The temporary petition seeks to have petitioner appointed for the sole purpose of receiving distributions owed to Elijah from the trust.

‘Such distributions will be held by petitioner for Elijah’s benefit and used by petitioner to pay for Elijah’s healthcare, housing, or any other expense that may arise.’ exclusively revealed in September that Allman, 47, had gone back into rehab after he passed out on the sidewalk outside the Chateau Marmont hotel in New York where he had been living.

For days before that he had been seen stumbling around the famed hotel where actor John Belushi died from a drug overdose in 1982.

‘He would come out with a full cigarette and by the time he had finished it, he would be passed out,’ one insider at the hotel told at the time.

‘It always looked like it was dipped in something. He looked strung-out and messy, like he was a homeless person living on the streets.’

Cher has long had a contentious relationship both with her son and her daughter-in-law (pictured in 2018)

Cher, 77, has long had a contentious relationship both with Elijah and her daughter-in-law Marieangela (pictured together in 2018)

Marieangela blasted Cher in a public statement, claiming the pop singer 'historically excluded' her from decisions involving Elijah's care

Marieangela blasted Cher in a public statement, claiming the pop singer ‘historically excluded’ her from decisions involving Elijah’s care

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Cher says in her petition that Elijah is 'entitled' to money from his trust but she fears he will spend it all on drugs if he gets it

Cher says in her petition that Elijah is ‘entitled’ to money from his trust but she fears he will spend it all on drugs if he gets it

We then told how King had accused Cher of kidnapping Elijah from a New York hotel room on their wedding anniversary just as they were trying to patch up their stormy marriage.

Then earlier this week she claimed Cher had thrown Allman ‘into a lockdown facility’ in Mexico saying she had ‘historically excluded’ her from being involved in his treatment decisions.

‘I have always been a champion for the sober community and for Elijah’s sobriety,’ King, 36, said in a lengthy statement obtained by

‘I have full confidence in legitimate, ethically operated, HIPAA protected American medical establishments that offer long standing, time-tested treatment for those suffering from substance abuse or any number of mental health issues,’ she added.

‘What I am not OK with are establishments that exclude me (his wife) from being part of Elijah’s treatment and hopeful recovery.

‘I am not OK with pop-up, makeshift, unethical scam rehabs which take full advantage of families in desperate situations and seek to fraudulently exploit insurance companies for services not rendered.

‘I am especially not OK with Elijah being coerced under false pretenses on or about October 17, 2023 into participating in an alternative medicine regimen and then being thrown into a lockdown facility in Mexico, sleeping behind a locked cage with six other individuals, under an imposed Mexican Conservatorship.’

The statement issued through her record company, said: ‘It is not an exaggeration to say that Ms. King recently risked her own life to ensure her husband’s safe return back to the U.S.’

Marieangela King said she risked her life rescuing her husband from a Mexican rehab center

Allman married Marieangela, 36, who goes by the name Queeny in the rock band KING, in 2013. They have no children.

Allman married Marieangela, 36, who goes by the name Queeny in the rock band KING, in 2013. They have no children

King (pictured with Allman in 2013) released a statement criticizing mother-in-law Cher's actions, saying she is 'not OK' with her  husband 'being coerced' into 'participating in an alternative medicine regimen' that include sleeping in a 'locked cage with six other individuals'

King (pictured with Allman in 2013) released a statement criticizing mother-in-law Cher’s actions, saying she is ‘not OK’ with her  husband ‘being coerced’ into ‘participating in an alternative medicine regimen’ that include sleeping in a ‘locked cage with six other individuals’

It did not go into detail as to the circumstances of how King risked her life.

The statement went on to say: ‘Any circulating rumors that insinuate that Ms. King has been anything other than an exemplary wife to Mr. Allman or is in any way complicit in impeding his recovery are patently false.’

The statement did not identify Cher by name, but it said that the incident at the Chateau Marmont occurred while Allman was ‘under the care of a sober companion that was neither hired or commissioned by Ms King.’  

‘In fact, she was never so much as consulted about the hiring of this individual and has historically been excluded from the decision-making process when it comes to her husband’s medical treatment.’

Elijah, the younger of Cher’s two children, is the son of her second husband, the late rocker Gregg Allman of the Allman Brothers Band.

He married Queeny – who plays with her sisters in the band KING – in 2013. They have no children.

Elijah has talked openly about starting to take drugs when he was 11 and about his long fight with heroin addiction.

In a 2014 interview with Entertainment Tonight Elijah said: ‘I started with drugs around the same time that we all did, around 11.

After an incident in November 2022, Elijah spent six months living at the Chateau Marmont, the landmark Sunset Boulevard hotel where Animal House star John Belushi died from a drug overdose in 1982

After an incident in November 2022, Elijah spent six months living at the Chateau Marmont, the landmark Sunset Boulevard hotel where Animal House star John Belushi died from a drug overdose in 1982

Insiders told that worried hotel staff had regularly reached out to Cher due to his apparent drugged-out appearance. A police vehicle was seen parked outside the hotel after they were called to remove him on September 16

Insiders told that worried hotel staff had regularly reached out to Cher due to his apparent drugged-out appearance. A police vehicle was seen parked outside the hotel after they were called to remove him on September 16 

‘I mean it’s just what you did, it’s just what everybody did.’

He said he had started with marijuana and ecstasy and later graduated to harder drugs.

‘I was just looking to escape all the things in my past and, that’s when you turn to those kind of drugs, you know heroin and opiates,’ he said.

‘Heroin kind of saved me. If I didn’t have that at that point, I don’t know what I would have done. You may jump off a bridge. If you can only just go through that time period and live through it and then get help.’

He admitted there were times he almost died.

‘I did have some close calls and some moments of really feeling at the edge of mortality,’ he said.

‘I always kind of kept it a little bit safe but you never can do that. Even though you think that in your mind, of course the wrong things can happen.

‘The wrong combination of things can happen and you can just slip into the abyss.

‘I knew it was wrong and I knew that I was very unsatisfied with life at that point.’

Elijah is the son of Cher's second husband, the late rock great Gregg Allman, who died in 2017

Elijah is the son of Cher’s second husband, the late rock great Gregg Allman, who died in 2017

Insiders say Cher hired a caretaker to keep an eye on her troubled son, who had taken to leaving the hotel and wandering down the street, in early September

Singer Cher taping a television interview with her son, Elijah Blue Allman, on her knee, in 1977

Insiders say Cher hired a caretaker in early September to keep an eye on her troubled son, who had taken to leaving the hotel and wandering down the street

In a declaration to the court in 2022, King said she and Elijah had spent 12 days in New York trying to work on their marriage.

‘Given the proper time I believe that we will reconcile,’ she said.

But their attempts to kiss and make up were interrupted, she wrote.

‘On November 30, 2022, the night of our wedding anniversary, four people came to our hotel room and removed (Elijah) from our room.

‘I was told by one of the four men who took him that they were hired by (Elijah’s) mother.’

Cher, 77, subsequently gave a cryptic denial to her daughter-in-law’s allegation, saying in an interview, ‘I didn’t do it, and if I did, I wouldn’t say I did it.’

Cher has long had a contentious relationship both with Elijah and his wife, who he met in Germany after going there for treatment for a particularly bad case of Lyme Disease.

The movie and music icon allegedly did not congratulate the newlyweds after they eloped and refused even to acknowledge their engagement.

She has often gone months and even years without even speaking to her son, who she packed off too boarding school when he was just eight.


We are in receipt of your inquiry. Kindly be informed that Marieangela King p/k/a Queeny King, is a recording artist signed to our label, Verdict Music. We are a Massachusetts based, independent music label.

It appears that you are seeking a comment on the story that broke last week involving Ms. King’s husband, Elijah Blue Allman, who is now the apparent subject of a controversial conservatorship action initiated by his mother. Upon information and belief, a hearing has been scheduled for January 5, 2024 at Los Angeles Superior Court.

Given the sensitive nature of Mr. Allman’s past health challenges, (many of which have previously made headlines and whose details have regrettably been published), it was Ms. King’s deepest hope that, regarding her husband’s future medical treatment, the family as a whole could have worked together privately, out of the public eye, so as to spare him the added stress that a proceeding of this nature inevitably creates. Unfortunately, despite a sincere willingness to work alongside his family to avoid precisely this type of very public situation; ultimately, the above noted Conservatorship Petition was filed in court by Mr. Allman’s mother.

Prior to this most recent story breaking, another story about Mr. Allman involving an alleged incident at Chateau Marmont was previously published. It is important to note that the alleged incident occurred while under the care of a sober companion that was neither hired or commissioned by Ms. King. In fact, she was never so much as consulted about the hiring of this individual and has historically been excluded from the decision making process when it comes to her husband’s medical treatment. More notably, on at least two separate occasions, Ms. King was away and thus, not even in the state when the alleged incidents occurred.

Insofar as none of these alarming medical incidents have occurred in the presence of Ms. King and her presumed rights as Mr. Allman’s lawful wife have been largely usurped by others involved in his so-called medical care, it has made caring for Mr. Allman extremely difficult. And despite a clear pattern of being habitually bulldozed over and repeatedly undermined, a pattern that has existed throughout her 10 year marriage, Ms. King wholly rejects any inference that she is incapable of caring for her husband or making sound medical and/or financial decisions on his behalf.

To be further clear, and crucial to the public’s understanding of recent events, it is important to note that Ms. King herself has never suffered from any form of substance abuse, mental health or addiction issues nor has she ever enabled Mr. Allman’s substance use. To reiterate, none of the aforementioned alarming medical incidents transpired on Ms. King’s watch or while Mr. Allman was under her direct care.

In the spirit of accuracy and in the hopes of clarifying much of the false narrative that has been recently circulating, we are including a direct quote from Ms. King:

‘I have always been a champion for the sober community and for Elijah’s sobriety. I have full confidence in legitimate, ethically operated, HIPAA protected American medical establishments that offer long standing, time-tested treatment for those suffering from substance abuse or any number of mental health issues. What I am not ok with are establishments that exclude me (his wife) from being part of Elijah’s treatment and hopeful recovery.

I am not ok with pop-up, makeshift, unethical scam rehabs which take full advantage of families in desperate situations and seek to fraudulently exploit insurance companies for services not rendered. I am especially not ok with Elijah being coerced under false pretenses on or about October 17, 2023 into participating in an alternative medicine regimen and then being thrown into a lockdown facility in Mexico, sleeping behind a locked cage with six other individuals, under an imposed Mexican Conservatorship.’

This is all the more reason why the Conservatorship Petition recently filed by Mr. Allman’s mother is so deeply disturbing. Let alone, there are many inconsistencies, selective omissions and materially false statements contained in the noted documents which were signed by Mr. Allman’s mother, declaring those statements to be true and accurate.

Please note that while we are not inclined to comment further on the details surrounding the court case, we also cannot and will not silently sit by while certain flagrant untruths are being maliciously disseminated about Ms. King, as part of what appears to be a very well orchestrated smear campaign. This is all the more insidious given the familial connection that exists between the parties involved and more audaciously, that there is not one scintilla of truth to the false narrative that has been birthed in an attempt to discredit Ms. King and sway public opinion ahead of the upcoming court hearing.

Also, although it is abundantly clear to us who is behind this outrageous assault, we are stopping short of naming certain individuals by name as the above referenced matter involves an active and ongoing legal proceeding that, if allowed, can and undoubtedly will impose very serious and long term restrictions upon the affected individual(s). Accordingly, if you are feeling as shocked and as outraged as we are, we encourage those of you reading this to do a deep dive, peel back the curtain and discover, as we have, that behind that curtain is a well funded publicity machine seeking to control outcome.

Perhaps naively, Ms. King believed that, by taking the high road and simply ignoring the previously published articles that sought to disparage her character and paint her in a bad light, she could safeguard Mr. Allman’s private health information and prevent further idle speculation. She had hoped that her decision not to make any public statement regarding the status of her marriage or air certain family information and shocking events that had transpired over the course of her 10 year marriage to Mr. Allman would be valued and appreciated. Instead, her silence was wrongly perceived as weakness.

Thankfully, we are living in an era that demands transparency and accountability even when exposing certain truths comes at a very high personal cost. Moreover, being privy to certain factual information that the public has not yet had the benefit of seeing, we, as her label, feel a sense of moral obligation to make a statement on her behalf. And it is in this same spirit that we are hoping to shed light on the false narrative that has recently permeated media circuits and simply speak truth.

In light of the unfounded rumors and in an effort to set the record straight, we emphatically denounce any suggestion or implication that characterizes Ms. King as anything other than a loyal, supportive and loving spouse to Mr. Allman. Ms. King is and always has been fully committed to her husband’s complete recovery and is currently involved in his medical care.

Furthermore, given what we have personally observed and know to be true, it is not an exaggeration to say that Ms. King recently risked her own life to ensure her husband’s safe return back to the U.S., after being inhumanely held against his will in a foreign country.

As such, any circulating rumors that insinuate that Ms. King has been anything other than an exemplary wife to Mr. Allman or in any way complicit in impeding his recovery are patently false.

We have developed a very strong professional relationship with Ms. King and only know her to employ an exceptional work ethic. She is a talented and accomplished multi-media artist with several projects in the works slated to launch in the new year, including a full-length feature film. 

Here is the link to her Bio:

Please note that a more in-depth interview will follow in the very near future.

Thank you for your interest and Happy New Year!

Verdict Music


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