Adam Henson’s wife opens up about becoming complacent in relationship prior to cancer diagnosis

Adam Henson’s wife opens up about becoming complacent in relationship prior to cancer diagnosis

Countryfile presenter Adam Henson’s wife has admitted to ‘getting complacent’ in their relationship before she was diagnosed with cancer. 

In December 2020, Charlie Gilbert became ill but believed it to be nothing serious – initially thinking that she had caught something from handling one of their couple’s  farm animals. 

However, Charlie was still showing worrying symptoms three months later and went for further tests which found a four-and-a-half centimetre tumour on her pancreas.

The news was all the more shocking for the couple as each of them had known people who had passed away from pancreatic cancer. 

After being told of the tumour, Charlie shared how the news made her realise she wanted to marry Adam, 58, having been in a relationship with him since the pair were teenagers. 

Adam Henson’s wife opens up about becoming complacent in relationship prior to cancer diagnosis

Countryfile presenter Adam Henson’s wife has admitted to ‘getting complacent’ in their relationship before she was diagnosed with cancer (pictured in 2019)

What is pancreatic cancer? 

Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that’s found anywhere in the pancreas.

The pancreas is an organ in the top part of your tummy.

It helps you digest your food and makes hormones, such as insulin.

How serious pancreatic cancer is depends on where it is in the pancreas, how big it is, if it has spread and your general health.

Pancreatic cancer can be difficult to treat.

The treatment you have will depend on: the size and type of pancreatic cancer you have, where it is, if it has spread, your general health.

It may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and supportive care.

Surgery – your treatment will depend if the cancer can be removed or not.

Recovery from surgery to treat pancreatic cancer can take a long time.

Pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage.

One reason for the poor outlook for pancreatic cancer is that it is often diagnosed late. The cancer is very often quite advanced.

Only around 10 in 100 people (around 10%) can have surgery to remove pancreatic cancer, which gives the best chance of cure.

Source: NHS 

In an interview with The Mirror in October 2023, Charlie said: ‘After 28 years together you do get a bit complacent, but getting married was suddenly really important – we didn’t know how long we had left, and I wanted Adam to know I was committed to him.’

Adam said he was ‘terrified’ and felt ‘totally lost’ following Charlie’s diagnosis, and accepted her proposal immediately but feared that their impending marriage could be cut short in brutal fashion.

On the day of their wedding, which took place in September of the same year, Adam found himself overcome with emotion as the couple exchanged vows. 

As Charlie said ‘I do’ at Stroud Registry Office in Gloucestershire in front of her closest family and friends, the new bride was just hours away from undergoing a complex operation.

Recalling the events of the big day, Adam said: ‘We cried a lot. Those vows cemented my emotions and let me say from the heart how I feel about Charlie. 

‘The registrar wasn’t aware of our situation and said she’d never had such an emotional couple. For us, it was a way of saying goodbye to everyone.’

He continued: ‘There were a lot of tears and a lot of emotion in the room. Charlie wore an ivory dress and looked stunning when she walked in with her mum. 

‘We were both crying through the vows, and the next very emotional time for me was giving a speech at the reception.

Charlie was booked in for surgery on the day after the wedding and the whole family drove down to London for the operation.

She recalled how she prepared for the worst: ‘Saying goodbye to them all at the hospital was horrible.

‘Cancer is so lonely – you get all this love and support from everyone, but you’re still on your own. It’s so hard.

‘I’d written letters to Adam, the children and my sisters, and left them in my bedside table for them to find.

‘All I could do now was cling on to the fact that I still had a chance, however tiny.’

The pair first met in their teenage years in sixth-form and live together on the 1600-acre Cotswolds farm where Adam grew up (pictured in 2023)

The pair first met in their teenage years in sixth-form and live together on the 1600-acre Cotswolds farm where Adam grew up (pictured in 2023)

Charlie underwent the surgery, which was successful, and is now in ‘ongoing recovery’ and has scans every six months, while she admits she still finds waiting for the results ‘absolutely terrifying’.

Charlie has now returned to work in television and is hoping to travel more with Adam.

The TV star is best known for his presenting role on Countryfile, which he has held since 2001 when Charlie – who is a location manager with the BBC – encouraged him to go for the role.

Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that’s found anywhere in the pancreas.

One reason for the poor outlook for pancreatic cancer is that it is often diagnosed late. The cancer is very often quite advanced.

In addition, only around 10 in 100 people (around 10 per cent) can have surgery to remove pancreatic cancer, which gives the best chance of cure.

Recovery from surgery to treat pancreatic cancer can take a long time.

Charlie fell ill over Christmas 2020 and went to see a doctor when she was still unwell in February 2021, and doctors later found a 4.5cm tumour (pictured in 2021)

Charlie fell ill over Christmas 2020 and went to see a doctor when she was still unwell in February 2021, and doctors later found a 4.5cm tumour (pictured in 2021)


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