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Whoopi Goldberg Walks Away from The View Table During a Lively Foot Fetish Discussion, Following Previous Walkout over Miranda Lambert Controversy

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Whoopi Goldberg walked away from the table on The View as her fellow panelists enjoyed a saucy chat about foot fetishes.

They were talking about an agony aunt column in which a woman stopped giving her husband foot massages when she discovered he found them arousing.

Although Whoopi had the task of introducing the topic, she did so in a tone dripping with obvious disdain for how frivolous it was.

The other women duly launched into a cheerful debate about foot fetishes, during which Alyssa Farah Griffin sad that ‘in general you have to entertain your partner’s kink within reason. Like, when you marry somebody, if they’re interested – ‘

‘Excuse me for a second, keep talking,’ said Whoopi breezily, getting up and leaving the table as Alyssa giggled: ‘Whoopi has left the building.’

Whoopi Goldberg walked away from the table on The View as her fellow panelists enjoyed a saucy chat about foot fetishes

Whoopi Goldberg walked away from the table on The View as her fellow panelists enjoyed a saucy chat about foot fetishes

Although Whoopi had the task of introducing the topic, she did so in a tone dripping with obvious disdain for how frivolous it was

Although Whoopi had the task of introducing the topic, she did so in a tone dripping with obvious disdain for how frivolous it was

Whoopi had a booklet in her hand when she rose from her seat, and after walking away from the table she handed the item to someone off-camera.

She then wordlessly returned to the table and sat down, without volunteering any explanation as to why she had gotten up and left.

‘You know, not to brag,’ said a grinning Joy Behar, who like Whoopi is a stand-up comedian: ‘but my feet have created foot fetishes out there, so I can’t really respond this, ’cause I feel that I’m responsible for a lot of these foot fetishes.’

The women then began talking about toe length – except Whoopi, who sat at one end of the table resting her face on one of her hands in a show of boredom.

Joy finally asked Whoopi why she had gotten up, to which Whoopi vamped sarcastically: ‘Because I was so enamored by what you were saying, that I felt that I needed to take a breath so I could just get myself together so I could come back to the table. So I just got up and walked away and just got myself together.’

‘See, this is what my feet do to people,’ Joy cracked, and Whoopi added: ‘This is what this conversation does to people. It makes them get up and move. I don’t care, ’cause my feet are huge and no one wants to touch ’em.’

The awkward moment came about six months after Whoopi sensationally walked off The View during a fierce argument about Miranda Lambert.

Miranda had become a lightning rod of controversy for stopping a concert to scold audience members for taking selfies in front of the stage.

Whoopi had a booklet in her hand when she rose from her seat, and after walking away from the table she handed the item to someone off-camera

Whoopi had a booklet in her hand when she rose from her seat, and after walking away from the table she handed the item to someone off-camera

She then wordlessly returned to the table and sat down, without volunteering any explanation as to why she had gotten up and left

She then wordlessly returned to the table and sat down, without volunteering any explanation as to why she had gotten up and left

The women then began talking about toe length - except Whoopi, who sat at one end of the table resting her face on one of her hands in a show of boredom

The women then began talking about toe length – except Whoopi, who sat at one end of the table resting her face on one of her hands in a show of boredom

The awkward moment came about six months after Whoopi sensationally walked off The View during a fierce argument about Miranda Lambert

The awkward moment came about six months after Whoopi sensationally walked off The View during a fierce argument about Miranda Lambert 

Miranda had become a lightning rod of controversy for stopping a concert to scold audience members for taking selfies in front of the stage

Miranda had become a lightning rod of controversy for stopping a concert to scold audience members for taking selfies in front of the stage

‘I’m gonna stop right here for a sec,’ she said. ‘These girls are worried about a selfie and not listening to the song, and it’s p***ing me off a little bit.’

Public opinion was polarized – and the division was reflected on The View, where Sunny Hostin defended the audience members.

She read out the ticket prices and defiantly declared she was ‘going to take as many selfies as I want if I paid $757 for tickets. I’m sorry, just me!’ 

‘You know what?’ said Whoopi, who has decades as a stage performer under her belt. ‘Stay home. If you’re going to spend $750 to come to my concert, then give me the respect of watching me while I do my thing, or don’t come.’

Sunny held her ground, saying that she often takes pictures or video when she attends concerts and arguing: ‘Maybe I wanna play it again. Maybe I want the picture and I want the music in the background.’ 

Clearly exasperated, Whoopi got up and left the stage in order to make her point visually – she went into the studio audience and interrupted the broadcast of The View in order to snap a selfie with a 91-year-old woman in the crowd.

‘I want to take a picture with this marvelous woman, who is 91,’ she said ‘So, we’re going to do a selfie. Just me and you. Will you push that button?’

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