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Surprising Valuation of an Ancient Cigar Owned by an Extraordinarily Famous Individual Leaves Antiques Roadshow Participant Astounded

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An Antiques Roadshow guest has been left stunned to learn the real value of an old cigar which her grandsons had found in her attic.

Sunday’s show saw the public take their beloved items to London’s Crystal Palace, with one woman bringing along a whole host of Second World War memorabilia. 

She presented medals to expert Mark Smith, which had once belonged to her late French father-in law, however they lacked certification and was disappointed to discover to be worth only £120. 

The lady had also brought along an old cigar in a cardboard tube saying: ‘As you can see it’s addressed to Morris [her father in-law] from Mr Churchill’.

Amongst the boxes her grandsons had also discovered a newspaper clipping about the former Prime Minister Winston Churchill meeting French soldiers which Mark read: ‘Churchill called for Champagne and gave each member of the delegation one of his famous cigars’. 

In awe: An Antiques Roadshow guest was left stunned to learn the real value of an old cigar which her grandsons had found in her attic

In awe: An Antiques Roadshow guest was left stunned to learn the real value of an old cigar which her grandsons had found in her attic

Smoking hot! Sunday's show was the public take their beloved items to London's Crystal Palace, with one woman bringing along a whole host of Second World War memorabilia

Smoking hot! Sunday’s show was the public take their beloved items to London’s Crystal Palace, with one woman bringing along a whole host of Second World War memorabilia

Close but no cigar: She presented medals to expert Mark Smith, which had once belonged to her late French father-in law, however they lacked certification and was disappointed to discover to be worth only £120

Close but no cigar: She presented medals to expert Mark Smith, which had once belonged to her late French father-in law, however they lacked certification and was disappointed to discover to be worth only £120

Flabbergasted the memorabilia aficionado said: ‘You actually have one of [Churchill’s] cigars, isn’t this fantastic!’. 

Before giving the item a valuation of £2,000, leaving it’s owner astonished asking: ‘No, really?’.

Mark said: ‘[Churchill’s] cigars are so iconic and people just want to own one of them’. 

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was British Prime Minister twice and led the nation through the Second World War and become synonymous with smoking cigars.

He famously once said: ‘I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form’.

It comes after another Antiques Roadshow guest was shocked to learn the  value of some jewellery she’d bought for just a few pounds at a car boot sale.

The woman brought a number of items to Alexandra Gardens in Cardiff to be inspected by expert Joanna Hardy.

Joanna said to the guest: ‘Most people I meet, when they’re buying jewellery, they usually go to a jewellery shop, antiques shop, auctions, but the majority if this collection has come from?’, to which the guest replied: ‘A car boot.’

Amazing find: Amongst boxes grandsons had also found a newspaper clipping about the former Prime Minister Winston Churchill meeting French soldiers which Mark read: 'Churchill called for Champagne and gave each member of the delegation one of his famous cigars'

Amazing find: Amongst boxes grandsons had also found a newspaper clipping about the former Prime Minister Winston Churchill meeting French soldiers which Mark read: ‘Churchill called for Champagne and gave each member of the delegation one of his famous cigars’ 

Shocked: He gave the cigar a valuation of £2,000, leaving it's owner astonished, giggling she asked: 'No, really?'.

Shocked: He gave the cigar a valuation of £2,000, leaving it’s owner astonished, giggling she asked: ‘No, really?’.

Rare find: Mark said: '[Churchill's] cigars are so iconic and people just want to own one of them' (Churchill pictured in 1950)

Rare find: Mark said: ‘[Churchill’s] cigars are so iconic and people just want to own one of them’ (Churchill pictured in 1950)

Set out on the table was a number of gold and silver brooches, and a gold necklace which had green stones set in it. 

When asked what attracted her to the necklace the guest explained: ‘Someone had just put it down, the sun was shining and it just came at me.’

She went on to say she hoped the green stones were emeralds before revealing she’d bought the jewellery for £3.50.

Joanna said: ‘Well, £3.50 is a 22 carat gold chain with emeralds, you were right.’

Moving on to a circular gold brooch with a glistening stone in the middle, which the guest had paid £2 for, Joanna said: ‘Well this is a diamond with 18 carat gold.’

Pointing to another brooch, Joanna asked how much she’d paid for the item, to which the guest told her: ‘Two or three pound.’

Joanna said: ‘You’ve got three diamonds there and it’s in 18 carat gold.’

Another brooch, which was set with sapphires and diamonds and made in roughly 1900-1915, was bought by the guest for just £1.

Shocked: It comes after another Antiques Roadshow guest was shocked to learn the value of some jewellery she'd bought for just a few pounds at a car boot sale

Shocked: It comes after another Antiques Roadshow guest was shocked to learn the value of some jewellery she’d bought for just a few pounds at a car boot sale

Treasures: The woman brought a number of items to Alexandra Gardens in Cardiff to be inspected by expert Joanna Hardy

Treasures: The woman brought a number of items to Alexandra Gardens in Cardiff to be inspected by expert Joanna Hardy

Big bucks: The circular gold brooch with the diamond in the centre was valued at about £1,000 on the show

Big bucks: The circular gold brooch with the diamond in the centre was valued at about £1,000 on the show

Joanna quickly moved on to the valuation of the pieces, telling the guest: ‘Well done you.’

She said the gold necklace with the green emerald stones bought for £3.50 was worth around £800, while the 18 carat gold brooch with three diamonds was worth in the region of £800-£1,200.

Meanwhile, the circular gold brooch with the diamond in the centre was valued at about £1,000.

Joanna then went on to discuss the brooch with sapphires and diamonds, explaining that the blue flowers were once in fact shirt studs which someone had used to create the brooch. She valued the item at £3,000-£4,000.

The guest exclaimed: ‘What? Good grief!’, before continuing: ‘I knew they were worth something but you know, that amount has really blown me away. I’ll still be there every week, looking for something new and for something unusual.’

Antiques Roadshow continues on Sunday October 22 at 8pm on BBC One. 

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