The executive producer of new David Attenborough series Mammals has revealed that his personal highlight from the BBC documentary is tainted because he visited an area that is ‘messed it up in a very tragic way’.ย
Taking a look at the ways in which mammals use their ‘resilience’ to ‘adapt to almost any situation’, the six-part series begins this evening on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.ย
Previewing the show in a BBCย interview, executive producer Roger Webb said one of his favourite moments throughout the series is one that has been tarnished by decades of human conflict.ย
Webb references the fearlessness shown by wolves to be able to occupy the Golan Heights, which is regarded to be a Syrian territory held under Israeli occupation – except by Israel and the United States.ย
Despite being one of the world’s most notorious disputed territories for over 70 years, that does not stop wolves from being found in the area.ย ย

The executive producer of new David Attenborough (pictured) series Mammals has revealed that his personal highlight from the documentary is tainted for a sad reason

Taking a look at the ways in which mammals use their ‘resilience’ to ‘adapt to almost any situation’, the six-part series begins this evening on BBC One and BBC iPlayer
Speaking about filming in the area, Roger said: ‘The story of the wolf that has adapted to life in minefields in the Golan Heights is a good one.ย
‘What I love about that is the tenacity of the wolf to move into an area that we can no longer go into because, unfortunately, we’ve messed it up in a very tragic way.ย
‘Behind that story is an incredible human being, Itamar Yairi. He’s a real hero. It’s people like Itamar who opened the door for us to these incredible stories and allow us to then document them and put them on screen.’
He is referencing the work of a wildlife photographer, who closely observed the Golan wolves for nearly two years, and managed to capture some extraordinary images along the way.ย
The pack Itamar followed, led by an imposing matriarch, chose to conceal their pups in a den mere metres outside the perimeter of a minefield.ย
‘They were living like royalty, completely relaxed,’ Itamar told The Guardian.ย
‘Lying in the sun all day, playing and resting, watching over their pups, and then going out under the cover of darkness to hunt.’ย
‘So we always give a huge nod to those local heroes. We wouldn’t have been able to make this series without those people,’ Roger added.

Speaking about filming in the area, Roger said: ‘The story of the wolf that has adapted to life in minefields in the Golan Heights is a good one’
Picking out some more moments that Roger remembers fondly from when filming took place, he shared a fascinating discovery around new behaviour of chimpanzees.ย
He said the crew were able to discover that the animals were able to sniff out honey from underground, but that only the alpha male appeared to have figured out how to do so.ย
This involved him forcing a stick underground as a means of mining or fishing for honey bees to pull up honeycomb dripping with honey.ย
The rest of the troop are confused by his antics, but when they attempted to find the honey, the alpha male of the group had finished it all himself.ย
Episode one of Mammals is on BBC iPlayer and BBC One on Sunday March 31 at 7pm.ย

Picking out some more moments that Roger remembers fondly from when filming took place, he shared a fascinating discovery around new behaviour of chimpanzees
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