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My intuition about my sister’s fiancé being gay was confirmed by a shocking discovery during Christmas

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A woman’s step-brother has begged her not to marry her fiancé after he discovered her groom-to-be on a gay hookup app.

On Wednesday’s episode of The Kyle and Jackie O Show, a 25-year-old man named Ryan told hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson he saw a picture of his step-sister Chloe’s fiancé on Grindr.

As part of the radio show’s ‘Final Objection’ segment, where listeners ring in to argue against upcoming nuptials, Kyle and Jackie O called Chloe so Ryan could inform his step-sister live on-air.

‘I was on Grindr, and I was scrolling through…and [her fiancé] Mark’s head popped up… he was throwing off a few gay vibes at Christmas,’ Ryan told his stunned step-sister.

‘I honestly don’t know what to say. Is this a prank? Are you guys pranking me?’ said the shocked bride-to-be.

A woman's step-brother has begged her not to marry her fiancé after he discovered her groom-to-be on a gay hookup app

A woman’s step-brother has begged her not to marry her fiancé after he discovered her groom-to-be on a gay hookup app

On Wednesday's episode of The Kyle and Jackie O Show, a 25-year-old man named Ryan told hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie 'O' Henderson that he saw a picture of his step-sister Chloe's fiancé on Grindr. Pictured: Kyle Sandilands and Jackie 'O' Henderson

On Wednesday’s episode of The Kyle and Jackie O Show, a 25-year-old man named Ryan told hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson that he saw a picture of his step-sister Chloe’s fiancé on Grindr. Pictured: Kyle Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson

Kyle interjected, suggesting it was possible that someone might have been using Mark’s photos in a ‘catfishing’ situation, but Ryan thought it was unlikely.

‘Honestly, I just have a gut feeling about this, Chloe. I think you should ask him next time you see him,’ he said.

The radio hosts then encouraged Ryan to send Chloe the screenshot he took of the Grindr photo to confirm whether it was indeed her future husband.

'I was on Grindr, and I was scrolling through...and [her fiancé] Mark's head popped up...he was throwing off a few gay vibes at Christmas,' Ryan told his step-sister, to which she gasped in disbelief

‘I was on Grindr, and I was scrolling through…and [her fiancé] Mark’s head popped up…he was throwing off a few gay vibes at Christmas,’ Ryan told his step-sister, to which she gasped in disbelief

‘It’s definitely him, it’s grainy but you can still see that it’s him,’ she said, before Kyle asked her if it was a current photo or an older photo.

‘It looks pretty recent, since he’s gotten really fit, for sure,’ she replied, before starting to tear up.

Both Jackie and Kyle comforted Chloe, and advised her not to jump to conclusions, suggesting it could be a catfish or his mates playing a prank on him.

'I honestly don't know what to say. Is this a prank? Are you guys pranking me?' said the shocked bride-to-be. Kyle interjected, suggesting it was possible that someone might have been using Mark's photos in a 'catfishing' situation, but Ryan thought it was unlikely

‘I honestly don’t know what to say. Is this a prank? Are you guys pranking me?’ said the shocked bride-to-be. Kyle interjected, suggesting it was possible that someone might have been using Mark’s photos in a ‘catfishing’ situation, but Ryan thought it was unlikely

Both Jackie and Kyle comforted Chloe, and advised her not to jump to conclusions, suggesting it could be a catfish or his mates playing a prank on him

Both Jackie and Kyle comforted Chloe, and advised her not to jump to conclusions, suggesting it could be a catfish or his mates playing a prank on him

Kyle attempted to lighten the mood by telling the devastated bride that his own likeness was put on Grindr as a joke.

‘I was shirtless on Grindr, someone put my picture on there, and they called me “Big Gold Mike.” It was so popular. It was a real confidence boost because I thought if things don’t work out with chicks, I can start smashing a***.’

‘Can you imagine me walking down Oxford Street with a little twink under each arm?’

‘Yes, I can,’ quipped Jackie before Kyle replied ‘No, no, I don’t want that.’ 

However the anecdote didn’t seem to help the situation, with Kyle noting that Chloe still sounded dejected when hanging up. 

READ MORE: Makeup free Jackie ‘O’ Henderson reveals her very bronzed complexion as she leaves a tanning salon following her trip to Bali

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