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Kim Zolciak and estranged husband Kroy Biermann’s recent altercation, which required police intervention, stemmed from their ongoing financial struggles.

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Kim Zolciak and her estranged husband Kroy Biermann can’t seem to escape the drama struck up by their desperate financial state.

After the divorcing couple got into a disturbing verbal fight on Monday night that led to a visit by police, TMZ reports that the argument started over money.

The screaming between the two eventually got so extreme that one of their four youngest children reportedly made a call to police for help.

The blowup was particularly shocking, as the warring exes seemed to have put aside their differences earlier this month when they reunited for an opulent dinner to celebrate their anniversary.

However, sources close to Kim, 45, and Kroy, 38, say they began arguing on and off about a week ago, just days after their dinner.

More money troubles: Kim Zolciak, 45, and estranged husband Kroy Biermann, 38, had their latest shouting match on Monday over finances, a subject that wrecked their marriage, TMZ reported on Wednesday; seen in 2016 in LA

More money troubles: Kim Zolciak, 45, and estranged husband Kroy Biermann, 38, had their latest shouting match on Monday over finances, a subject that wrecked their marriage, TMZ reported on Wednesday; seen in 2016 in LA

Separated: The two are required to stay in separate parts of their house, but that didn't stop the fight. They reportedly began arguing on and off a week before, just days before after an anniversary dinner

Separated: The two are required to stay in separate parts of their house, but that didn’t stop the fight. They reportedly began arguing on and off a week before, just days before after an anniversary dinner

The string of arguments were reportedly ‘intense’ and were once again inspired by their mounting debts and legal decisions against them forcing them to pay up on huge amounts of money they owe.

It’s unclear if their lavish anniversary dinner played a part in those conversations, or if it was unrelated.

The exes apparently didn’t take a break from the fighting to get space, and instead stayed together in their family home, which kept the arguments going for days.

The two are currently in the process of selling their home, which they listed for $6 million.

The potential sale could help the couple offload the property before it could be foreclosed, and it could also potentially help to pay off their debts and allow them to find more modest separate homes. 

The former Real Housewives Of Atlanta star and the ex-NFL player have been required to reside in separate parts of their home, with the judge overseeing their divorce ordering Kroy to stay in the home’s master bedroom, while Kim is confined to the basement and its bedroom suite.

It’s unclear if the couple were attempting to stick to their areas during the shouting match, or if they met up face-to-face in one of their home’s common areas, where they are allowed to congregate together under the judge’s order.

That freedom of movement in the house appears to have created the conditions for their latest verbal fight.

It was reportedly one of their youngest children who made a call to police to tamp down the fight, but Kim and Kroy were seen together earlier on Monday as they took the children to get haircuts.

The outing didn’t betray any obvious tension, and the family also dropped by a Starbucks to pick up some drinks.

No hint: One of their four youngest children reportedly called police to break up the fight, but all looked fine earlier on Monday when Kim and Kroy took their kids to get haircuts

No hint: One of their four youngest children reportedly called police to break up the fight, but all looked fine earlier on Monday when Kim and Kroy took their kids to get haircuts

Ear-splitting: Law enforcement sources told TMZ that Kim and Kroy had an 'extremely loud' verbal fight, which scared one of the young kids enough to call 911

Ear-splitting: Law enforcement sources told TMZ that Kim and Kroy had an ‘extremely loud’ verbal fight, which scared one of the young kids enough to call 911

It’s not clear which of their children phoned for help, but the law enforcement sources told TMZ that it was not one of Kim’s older children: Brielle, 26, or Ariana, 22, both of whom are from previous relationships.

The exes also share sons KJ, 12; Kash, 11; and fraternal twins Kane and Kaia, nine, one of whom reportedly called the police.

According to the sources, three police officers and a supervisor dropped by the estranged couple’s home, where a judge has ordered them to sleep on separate floors. 

They said Kim and Kroy were engaged in an ‘extremely loud’ verbal fight, which appears to have scared one of the children enough to make them phone for help breaking it up.

However, the police were apparently able to subdue the two for the night.

Kim previously called police to their home — which they are attempting to sell for $6 million to help pay off their mounting debts — after Kroy had locked himself in the couple’s bedroom, allegedly refusing his estranged wife entry.

Once police arrived, Kroy — who refused to show his face from behind the bedroom door — handed over Kim’s medications and some cosmetics, as well as a comforter.

Kroy had again holed himself up in the bedroom in late September, when Kim again called police.

She said that the football player had taken her two cell phones in the bedroom with himself and was refusing to give them back to her.

Police ultimately got him to hand over the phones, and Kim slept in a separate bedroom with the door locked for privacy. 

The latest incident appears to be an escalation of sorts, as it was previously one of the adults who called for police during past visits, but now one of their young children has interceded. 

The children were at home during previously visits from law enforcement, though Kim claimed that they were asleep during the September visit over the allegedly stolen cell phones. 

A judge had previously ordered Kim to live in their home’s basement suite, while Kroy was allowed to stay in the master bedroom.

The arrangement was presumably meant to help give them privacy and cut down on the arguments, though both are allowed to be in their home’s common areas, including the living room and kitchen. 

Reaching out: In addition to Kim's older daughter Brielle, 26, and Ariana, 22, she and Kroy share sons KJ, 12; Kash, 11; and fraternal twins Kane and Kaia, nine, one of whom reportedly called police

Reaching out: In addition to Kim’s older daughter Brielle, 26, and Ariana, 22, she and Kroy share sons KJ, 12; Kash, 11; and fraternal twins Kane and Kaia, nine, one of whom reportedly called police

Tonehome. They were able to subdue them for the night

Toning it down: According to the sources, three police officers and a supervisor dropped by the estranged couple’s home. They were able to subdue them for the night

Going all out: Despite tension between the couple and their apparent lack of resources, they reunited on their anniversary for a lavish dinner pasta and seafood dinner earlier this month

Going all out: Despite tension between the couple and their apparent lack of resources, they reunited on their anniversary for a lavish dinner pasta and seafood dinner earlier this month 

The reality star has given mixed signals about the state of her marriage. Between visits from police, she and Kroy put on a happy face to celebrate their anniversary with a fancy dinner earlier this month, and she even added her married name back to her Instagram account, despite her ongoing divorce. 

Last week, Kim even tamped down on concerns that she was selling off her designer clothing and accessories to help pay her significant debts.

After a fan asked on Instagram if she was trying to raise money, she claimed that she merely had too many things and was trying to pare them down. 

Still, financial challenges have continued to mount for the two. As they wait to see if their pricy home will sell, they have been ordered by a judge to pay $230,000 from a lawsuit over unpaid credit card bills, and Kroy has also been order to turn over his Rolls-Royce after he stopped making the $5,000 monthly payments for over a year.

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