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Casey O’Gorman creates drama as he confronts Georgia Steel’s ‘love triangle’ in front of Molly Smith on Love Island All Stars

9 Min Read

Love Island fans went while during Wednesday’s episode of All Star when Casey O’Gorman ‘exposed’ Georgia Steel while questioning her about messy ‘love triangle.’

Previously, Georgia S and Molly Smith went head to head after Georgia’s flirtations with Tom Clare were finally exposed in the villa.  

The stars spent the day at the Island Beach Club where Molly had confronted Georgia about why she didn’t tell her she’d been flirting with Tom, who had a fling with Georgia before the show and is now coupled up with Molly. 

Completing the messy situation, Georgia is currently coupled up with Molly’s ex boyfriend of three years Callum Jones.

And adding yet more fuel to the fire, Casey decided to ask Georgia S how her ‘love triangle was going’ within five minutes of entering the villa as a bombshell. 

Love Island fans went while during Wednesday's episode of All Star when Casey O'Gorman 'exposed' Georgia Steel while questioning her about messy 'love triangle.

Love Island fans went while during Wednesday’s episode of All Star when Casey O’Gorman ‘exposed’ Georgia Steel while questioning her about messy ‘love triangle.

Viewers were delighted when Casey, having watched the drama unfold at home, appeared to take Molly’s side in the argument. 

Sharing their thoughts to X, one person posted: ‘I am so glad Casey pinned the love triangle drama on Georgia S in front of all of the girls he has been watching after all, Georgia. 

‘He knows what you’ve been doing just like the rest of us. And yet she still lies about it.’

Another added: ‘Casey exposing Georgia and with the crazy eyes deep stare down!!??? I’m screaming.’

‘Casey wasted nooooo time to drop that in to Georgia S did he,’ a third wrote. 

Someone else shared: ‘Not Casey snitching on Georgia.’

In Tuesday’s furious row Molly accused Georgia of ‘not being a girl’s girl’ for ‘letting her know she was flirting’. 

An enraged Georgia retorted back: ‘I don’t appreciate you calling me not a girl’s girl. I had two conversations with Tom and I knew him from before!’

Previously, Georgia S (pictured) and Molly Smith went head to head after Georgia's flirtations with Tom Clare were finally exposed in the villa

Previously, Georgia S (pictured) and Molly Smith went head to head after Georgia’s flirtations with Tom Clare were finally exposed in the villa 

Molly (pictured) had confronted Georgia about why she didn't tell her she'd been flirting with Tom, who had a fling with Georgia before the show and is now coupled up with Molly

Molly (pictured) had confronted Georgia about why she didn’t tell her she’d been flirting with Tom, who had a fling with Georgia before the show and is now coupled up with Molly 

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Viewers were delighted when Casey, having watched the drama unfold at home, appeared to take Molly's side in the argument

Viewers were delighted when Casey, having watched the drama unfold at home, appeared to take Molly’s side in the argument

Molly then went to say she disagreed before Georgia said: ‘Don’t interrupt me! You’re so rude! 

‘There is no need for that attitude, you are speaking to me like a child. Get your facts right before you say something to all the girls that makes me look a certain way!’

Viewers at home were quick to react to the argument where Molly made valid points about her pulling Tom for flirty chats.

The drama had originally kicked off when Tom confided in Molly about a previous conversation he had with Georgia.

Unimpressed, Molly sought advice from the girls as she made an attempt to understand Georgia’s intentions.

As she confided in the girls, Molly added: ‘I think that maybe now, obviously G’s been pulling him and she’s made it apparent that she still likes him and wants to get to know him.’

Molly continued: ‘I’ve been allowing things to happen thinking they’re just friends, knowing full well that she has been trying to crack on with him everyday and every night, has she not and I’m sat there like a mug.’

The girls suggested she spoke to Georgia but Molly had other ideas, telling the others: ‘It’s embarrassing, I can’t be a**ed speaking to her, she can have my ex and my next.’

Later, Molly confronted Georgia, before their second row at the beach club.

‘I understand that you might be angry that I spoke to Tom on the terrace without you being here. Yes, I did. Hold my hands up,’ Georgia told Molly. ‘I did do that but I think I had every right to do that.’

Molly told her: ‘It wasn’t that I had a problem with. The problem was that you’ve been pulling him every day since.’

Denying she had been speaking to her ex every day, Georgia then asked Molly what Tom had told her. ‘Basically you don’t know if you like Callum more than Tom,’ Molly told her. ‘Which I didn’t at that point, no. I was quite confused,’ admitted Georgia.

In Tuesday's furious row Molly accused Georgia of 'not being a girl's girl' for 'letting her know she was flirting'

In Tuesday’s furious row Molly accused Georgia of ‘not being a girl’s girl’ for ‘letting her know she was flirting’

Molly pointed out: ‘In the situation of you and him having a lot of conversations you’ve got to understand from my point of view that it doesn’t look great,’ before telling her she ‘feels like a mug.’

‘No, no, no, you are very very far from a mug,’ insisted Georgia.

Molly then pointed put that she had not got involved in Georgia’s relationship with her ex boyfriend Callum, telling her: ‘I think I am very far from a mug because I’ve taken a massive step back for you to get to know my ex, never got involved, let you completely crack on.’

‘But when I’m trying to get to know someone else, to then know you’ve took him to the terrace and been speaking to him. That to me I’d have rather been in the loop’.

Georgia agreed, before telling her: ‘If Tom was someone I didn’t have a past with it would have been wrong…but it’s not.’

‘I feel like a bit of a mug,’ Molly replied. ‘I’ve been sat there thinking, oh no, they’re just friends when in reality I don’t know what the conversations have held. Now he’s told me that, I’m thinking there might be more to it than meets the eye.’

Georgia admitted to Molly that she has shared ‘flirty conversations’ with Tom ‘but we never shared a kiss, we never did anything like that. If that was the case I would have relayed it to you.’

Earlier in the episode the truth finally came out about Georgia's steamy conversations with her ex fling Tom, who is coupled up with Molly

Earlier in the episode the truth finally came out about Georgia’s steamy conversations with her ex fling Tom, who is coupled up with Molly 

Georgia's head is currently in a complete spin, as she continues to make romantic admissions to both Callum and Tom (seen with Callum in the Hideaway)

Georgia’s head is currently in a complete spin, as she continues to make romantic admissions to both Callum and Tom (seen with Callum in the Hideaway) 

Georgia’s head is currently in a complete spin, as she continues to make romantic admissions to both Callum and Tom.

Following a game of truth or dare with their other Islanders during Friday’s episode, Georgia and Tom held their own private version around the fire pit.

Tom didn’t hold back as he asked Georgia: ‘Would you rather be with Callum or me?’

Admitting she would rather be with Tom, she replied: ‘I think my impulse would be you because I think there’s a connection we share.’

Leaning in so only Tom can hear, she whispered: ‘I fancy you the most.’

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