Madeleine West reveals she protested at parliament during lunch break over law aiding pedophiles in concealing assets from victims

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Madeleine West has taken her fight against child abuse to South Australia’s State Parliament. 

The Neighbours star turned political activist, 44, took to Instagram Stories on Wednesday to reveal she had fronted Parliament to protest a federal law that allows sex offenders to hide their assets from victims. 

‘Today we stormed SA State Parliament (in their lunchbreak!) Madeleine wrote next a screenshot of her video conference with the politicians.

‘We appealed for their support in closing a loophole in federal superannuation law which allows pedophiles to hide assets from their victims’ compensation claims. Wish us luck!’ she continued. 

Madeleine also added the hashtag ‘#Superforsurvivors’, the name of a campaign that aims to address this legal loophole, as well as advocacy organisation FACAA (Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia).

Neighbours star turned political activist Madeleine West, 44, fronted South Australia State Parliament on Wednesday to protest a federal law that allows sex offenders to hide their assets from victims. She shared this Instagram Story post announcing the news

Neighbours star turned political activist Madeleine West, 44, fronted South Australia State Parliament on Wednesday to protest a federal law that allows sex offenders to hide their assets from victims. She shared this Instagram Story post announcing the news 

FACAA founder Adam Washbourne was also present for the video conference, and could be seen in the corner of Madeleine’s screen wearing a T-shirt with the name of his organisation. 

It comes after Madeleine bravely detailed how she confronted her paedophile neighbour more than 30 years after his sickening sexual abuse.

Peter Vincent White, now aged in his seventies, received a 15-year sentence for his cruel abuse of seven young victims aged between four and 14. 

It comes after Madeleine bravely detailed how she confronted her paedophile neighbour more than 30 years after his sickening sexual abuse

It comes after Madeleine bravely detailed how she confronted her paedophile neighbour more than 30 years after his sickening sexual abuse

His life came crashing down when Madeleine came knocking at his door in July 2022 while wearing a secret recording device.

The recording was crucial in prosecuting White, and was shared publicly for the first time in a 60 Minutes episode that aired last month. 

In the audio, Madeleine could be heard exchanging pleasantries with White and his wife, who is profoundly deaf, before confronting him about the abuse.

She was left shocked when White said he could not remember committing any of the crimes – only to then beg her for forgiveness with four damning words: ‘I’m very, very sorry.’

Peter Vincent White (pictured), now aged in his seventies, received a 15-year sentence for his cruel abuse of seven young victims aged between four and 14

Peter Vincent White (pictured), now aged in his seventies, received a 15-year sentence for his cruel abuse of seven young victims aged between four and 14 

‘I don’t understand,’ he was heard saying in the recording. 

‘I’m not quite sure what you’re asking me. I am so sorry. I don’t remember doing anything like that. I am sorry. Please, please forgive me.

‘If… if I did, I… I don’t remember. I’m very, very sorry if I did… it’s been washed from my mind.’

At one point, West could be heard telling her abuser his apology ‘meant a lot’. 

However, in reality the actress said she wanted to ‘claw his eyes out’ when he asked to be forgiven for his crimes. 

‘At the time, you’re in acting mode and you go, ‘Of course,” West said. 

‘What else am I going to say? Punch him in the face? Kick his teeth in? I felt like doing that. I wanted to claw his eyes out.

‘Forgive? Give you words to make you feel better so you can go back to your life, and your happy, healthy family and your international travel.

‘Meanwhile, I’m in the deepest, darkest hole I’ve ever been in my life – and you want forgiveness?’

West was abused by the married father-of-two between the ages of four and 10 in his home in Woodend, 70km north-west of Melbourne.

She said the popular plumber’s home was a ‘magnet for children’ and he used his swimming pool, sandpit and VHS player to lure them inside. 

He abused seven children aged between four and 14 in the front room of his home and in a caravan parked on the driveway between 1977 and 1988.

She required surgery after one incident left her with serious physical injuries. 

West, whose childhood name was Melanie Ann Weston, shared the abuse with her parents who she said ‘didn’t know what to do’.

His life came crashing down when Madeleine came knocking at his door in July 2022 while wearing a secret recording device. The recording was crucial in prosecuting White

His life came crashing down when Madeleine came knocking at his door in July 2022 while wearing a secret recording device. The recording was crucial in prosecuting White

She went to the police in 2017 – decades after the abuse had occurred. Her childhood friend Amanda Lee separately contacted police two years later. 

Their testimonies helped police build a case against the paedophile, whose ‘brazen’ offending shocked even the most hardened sex crime officers. 

‘It was just abhorrent, disgusting, horrific, calculated, intentional offending,’ investigator Scott Tuddenham told 60 Minutes.

At a Victoria County Court plea hearing last year, West demanded White look her in the eyes while she read out her victim statement.

White pleaded guilty to 33 charges of child sexual abuse against the seven victims including sexual penetration of a child aged under 10 and gross indecency. 

He was sentenced last December to 15 years in prison, but will be eligible for release on parole in nine years, by which time he will be 82 years old.

After the sentencing, Madeleine celebrated with other victims, saying the ruling ‘took 40 years to be delivered but now it’s here’.

For support, contact National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service on 1800 211 028. 

After the sentencing, Madeleine celebrated with other victims, saying the ruling 'took 40 years to be delivered but now it's here'

After the sentencing, Madeleine celebrated with other victims, saying the ruling ‘took 40 years to be delivered but now it’s here’

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