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Nish Kumar suggests Russell Brand’s reputation as a predator was widely recognized in comedy circles: ‘There might be further allegations in the future’

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Comedian Nish Kumar has claimed Russell Brand’s reputation for being a sex predator has been an open secret in British comedy since 2018.

The Late Night Mash host, 38, also admitted he is aware of other alleged sexual assault incidents involving the shamed comic that were not featured in the bombshell Channel 4 Dispatches documentary last Friday, hinting more lurid claims may come out.

He says knowledge of the alleged attacks were so widespread, Brand’s work dried up as a result, with Kumar claiming ‘nobody wanted to work with him’.

Kumar said: ‘It was discussed by multiple comedians in Edinburgh Fringe shows the following year in 2018. It was that well known.

‘To be completely honest with you, the story that I had heard was relating to a sexual assault, it was not covered in the [Disptches] documentary.

Speaking out: Comedian Nish Kumar has claimed Russell Brand's reputation for being a sex predator has been an open secret in British comedy since 2018

Speaking out: Comedian Nish Kumar has claimed Russell Brand’s reputation for being a sex predator has been an open secret in British comedy since 2018

Claims: The Late Night Mash host, 38, also claimed he is aware of other alleged sexual assault incidents involving the shamed comic that were not featured in the bombshell Channel 4 Dispatches documentary

Claims: The Late Night Mash host, 38, also claimed he is aware of other alleged sexual assault incidents involving the shamed comic that were not featured in the bombshell Channel 4 Dispatches documentary

‘Those weren’t stories that I’d actually heard about.

‘So it is possible that there’s more allegations to come.’

He continued: ‘I think if you look at Russell Brand’s IMDB page, you see that his television work in Britain starts to dry up around 2018, 2019. And that’s simply because increasingly people were just not willing to work with him.’

Kumar’s friend and fellow stand-up star Katherine Ryan, 40, was the first person in comedy to break ranks by accusing Brand, 48, of being a sex predator while they appeared as judges on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle in 2018.

Brand has been subject to claims from a number of women accusing him of abusive and predatory behaviour, including rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse, between 2006 and 2013.

The Metropolitan Police have also confirmed they are now investigating an alleged sexual assault in Soho in 2013 – said to have taken place three years before the four sexual assaults’ that Brand had already been accused of.

The comedian ‘absolutely denies’ the allegations and insists all his relationships have been consensual.

Speaking on politics podcast Pod Save The UK, Kumar also claimed there are other sex predators still working in comedy and young women are warned not to enter their dressing rooms.

Career: Kumar said knowledge of the alleged attacks were so widespread, Brand's work dried up as a result, with Kumar claiming 'nobody wanted to work with him'

Career: Kumar said knowledge of the alleged attacks were so widespread, Brand’s work dried up as a result, with Kumar claiming ‘nobody wanted to work with him’

Serious: Brand was accused of rape and sexual assault after an investigation by the The Times and Channel 4 Dispatches brought to light a number of claims accusing him of abusive and predatory behaviour , including rape and sexual assault

Serious: Brand was accused of rape and sexual assault after an investigation by the The Times and Channel 4 Dispatches brought to light a number of claims accusing him of abusive and predatory behaviour , including rape and sexual assault

He explains: ‘This stuff is still happening.

‘There are still people working in comedy who are the subject of open secrets.

‘There are still people who work in comedy that we can’t name because, again, of the threat of lawsuits.

‘And there are still people working comedy who people will say, ‘Oh, we don’t send young women into their dressing rooms.’

‘Now, at that stage for me, you should be sacked.’

Kumar, who has been a big critic of the press, then commended the journalists who brought the allegations against Brand to light, as well as paying tribute to the alleged victims for bravely telling their stories.

He added: ‘The only people that come out of this with any credibility are the victims who have been brave enough to step forward and the journalists who have worked extremely hard to produce rigorous pieces of journalism so that they could get around the threats of a very powerful man’s lawyers and until we start asking ourselves the hard questions we’re never ever ever going to progress out of this.

‘Until men start asking the hard questions about how we conduct ourselves until people in powerful positions start asking questions about why they’re indulging the whims of predators and monsters until any of that happens nothing is going to change.’

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