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Married At First Sight viewers are shocked as Jack’s friend brutally criticizes Tori as ‘basic’ and suggests she’s only dating him for his six-pack abs

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Married At First Sight fans were left shocked during Tuesday’s episode when Jack Dunkley’s friend slammed his bride Tori Adams in a heated exchange.

The controversial couple visited Jack’s Gold Coast home for Homestays Week so Tori, 27, could get a glimpse into his life and decide if she was willing to move there.

But things did not go smoothly for the couple, as Tori came under fierce questioning from Jack’s personal training client and friend Liz, who was unconvinced about the bride’s intentions.

She did not shy away from making her opinions crystal clear, and boldly accused Tori of sleeping with her male friends and slammed her as ‘basic’.

Liz also claimed Tori was only trying to make her relationship with Jack work because of his six-pack, leaving the bride enraged as she branded Jack’s friends as ‘s***ty’.

Married At First Sight fans were left in shock during Tuesday's episode when Jack Dunkley's client and friend Liz (pictured) slammed his bride Tori Adams in a heated exchange

Married At First Sight fans were left in shock during Tuesday’s episode when Jack Dunkley’s client and friend Liz (pictured) slammed his bride Tori Adams in a heated exchange

Fans were left equally shocked by the brazen claims as they took to social media to share their reactions to Liz’s confrontational tone.

‘Hey Kmart lashes how about you shut up,’ wrote one viewer. 

‘God lizz is horrible wtf,’ added a second. 

‘Jack and his little minions can get off my screen. His literally the reason im hating this season so much,’ commented one more.

‘Liz – bloody hell!! How rude ! Liz is about as basic a it gets! On behalf of all of us in Melbourne, who love our coffee, you can just piss right off!’ wrote a fourth. 

‘F****ck. I’m actually on Tori’s side here,’ commented one more. 

‘Lizz should look in the mirror if she wants to see basic….’ wrote another.  

Tuesday’s drama kicked off when Tori – who is from Melbourne – travelled to the Gold Coast with Jack to meet his friends and decide if she wanted to move there.

She appeared conflicted over uprooting her life to relocate and shared her frustration at Jack’s refusal to move, insisting she was the one ‘sacrificing everything’.

Tori was enraged upon meeting Jack's friends during Homestays week as Liz accused her of being 'basic' and only wanting to be with Jack because of his six-pack

Tori was enraged upon meeting Jack’s friends during Homestays week as Liz accused her of being ‘basic’ and only wanting to be with Jack because of his six-pack

‘I just need to come away from this feeling certain that Jack is 100 per cent committed, because if there is uncertainty, I’m not moving, no,’ she said. 

Things went from bad to worse for the couple upon meeting Jack’s friend Liz, who didn’t hold back.

Liz said: ‘I just don’t think that’s the right girl for him. I don’t want him to settle and I don’t think he should have to settle for anything less than his fairytale ending.’

Liz voiced her concerns after Jack and Tori told her they hadn’t yet had sex, describing it as a ‘red flag’ as she remained unconvinced about their connection. 

‘You don’t buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first, come on,’ she said of their lack of intimacy. ‘They’re married they should be having sex, it seems like a red flag for me.’

Liz did not shy away from making her opinions crystal clear as she boldly accused Tori of sleeping with her male friends and shared her doubt over the relationship

Liz did not shy away from making her opinions crystal clear as she boldly accused Tori of sleeping with her male friends and shared her doubt over the relationship 

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Fans were left equally shocked by the brazen claims as they took to social media to share their reactions to Liz's confrontational tone

Fans were left equally shocked by the brazen claims as they took to social media to share their reactions to Liz’s confrontational tone 

Liz then grilled Tori about her friendships, to which the bride replied: ‘I have a lot of male friends, I’ve always been one of the boys.’

Liz then brazenly said: ‘I don’t want to stereotype but I feel like when I come across a girl that only has guy friends, and they’re like “I’m one of the boys”, it’s usually because they’re sleeping with the boys.’

Tori insisted she hadn’t slept with anyone in her friendship group, with Liz then saying maybe she was the ‘exception’ to the rule.

Liz insisted she wasn’t a ‘fan’ of Tori’s and said to camera: ‘I don’t see it translating to the real world, I don’t see it going long term and I hope Jack can see that.’

She also questioned Tori on her wedding vows, claiming they came across as ‘bossy’ and said she wouldn’t want to be friends with her based off the speech.

Tori said she was left with huge doubts after getting an insight into Jack's friendship group, describing it as a 's***ty' part of his life

Tori said she was left with huge doubts after getting an insight into Jack’s friendship group, describing it as a ‘s***ty’ part of his life

‘I feel like anyone that makes their coffee order their personality is not my type of person,’ Liz said, referring to Tori mentioning looking forward to having lattes with Jack in her vows.

‘I got the impression you’re basic,’ she added.

Reacting to the shocking grilling, Tori said to camera: ‘So many things were said where I was like who are you? I don’t know what Liz was trying to achieve, her line of questioning was so negative. All it did was p*** me off.’

In another jaw-dropping remark, Liz then said: ‘You’ve been single for a while, Jack’s got a six-pack, maybe you’re trying to make it work for the wrong reasons.’

But Tori insisted: ‘I don’t put my energy into things that I don’t want to put my energy into. I wouldn’t be making this work to save face, I gave up a lot to be here, so if it wasn’t working, I’d leave you respectfully, and resume life on the outside.’

Tori also shared her disappointment that Jack hadn't backed her up during the very tense exchange with Liz

Tori also shared her disappointment that Jack hadn’t backed her up during the very tense exchange with Liz

Speaking to camera, Tori said she was left with huge doubts after getting an insight into Jack’s friendship group, describing it as a ‘s***ty’ part of his life.

She also shared her disappointment that Jack hadn’t backed her up during the very tense exchange with Liz. 

‘Today was an opportunity to see Jack’s world and how he lives, but instead I’m having doubt,’ she said.

‘I love my life in Melbourne and I would never be treated like this back home. Jack has shown me a really s***ty, ugly part of his life so I definitely have a lot to think about right now.’

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