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JACI STEPHEN’s Soapwatch: Roy faces danger

7 Min Read


Nobody carries beige quite like Roy. In fact, it’s hard to tell where the beige of his overcoat ends and the beige of his personality begins. He’s in for a very rough time now that DS Swain is on his case. 

Goodness knows how the woman has the word ‘Detective’ in her job title; she couldn’t detect her way out of a paper bag without resorting to sat nav.

Roy finds himself in danger in the café when two dodgy men lock the door. You’d think he would be grateful for the action, when usually the most exciting part of his day is a customer asking for an Eccles cake rather than a sticky bun. He has to have a nap just to recover from the change in routine.

When Roy discovers some amateur sleuths have been digging at the bat roost, hoping to discover evidence against him, he loads his car with shovels and bin bags to check everything is OK. 

When Roy (pictured, left) discovers amateur sleuths have been digging around to find evidence against him, he loads his car with shovels and bin bags to check everything is OK

When Roy (pictured, left) discovers amateur sleuths have been digging around to find evidence against him, he loads his car with shovels and bin bags to check everything is OK


Oddball Roy’s one-time reputation as ‘Creepy Cropper’ is returning in his current storyline. 

‘All his history will be used against him,’ says David Neilson (Roy). ‘It is only going to get worse.’ 

Oh, no, Roy! Not shovels and bin bags! That couldn’t make you look more suspicious than if you had stocked up on formaldehyde at B&Q. Swain’s going to leap on that like… well, a bat out of hell.

As the locals gather for a vigil for Lauren, Roy sings her praises. But when some lads make derogatory comments and film him on their phones, how will Roy react? 

Evelyn, Carla and Nina urge him to keep a low profile until the case is solved, but Roy remains resolute. And, let’s be honest, his dress sense and general demeanour make him as low profile as King Kong on the Empire State Building.

Sarah has returned from seeing a house she loves but is out of her price range. When Damon promises he’ll do what he can to raise the money, will Sarah smell a rat? Probably not. The woman couldn’t spot a rat in a Victorian sewer. 

Harvey calls Damon, again raising the question of how no one has found his mobile in his cell. It’s under the mattress, people! Where’s DS Swain when you need her?


Belle (pictured) discovers Tom hasn't passed on a message about a job offer at Take A Vow

Belle (pictured) discovers Tom hasn’t passed on a message about a job offer at Take A Vow

Poor Belle hasn’t had an easy life. Losing Lisa, mental health problems, and now she’s married to soapland’s latest psycho, of which there seem to be an abnormally high number.

Tom’s fresh gripe is Belle’s decision to postpone having children. Leading up to their wedding, he made her reluctantly agree to taking his surname, and now he’s looking to scupper her working life. 

When Belle discovers that he hasn’t passed on a message about a job offer at Take A Vow, she accepts it anyway. Will this be her new job – Take a Run and Jump, Tom? Doubtful. 

He manages to appease her, but he’s not done, and at Marlon’s party the abuse escalates further. Let’s just say it’s nothing to do with the vol-au-vents running out.

At the party there’s trouble in paradise when Mandy discovers it was Chas who broke off her kiss with Paddy, not vice versa. What a shock. Chas doesn’t so much engage with kissing blokes as suction; paramedics usually have to be called for urgent oxygen supplies.

In better news on the luurrv front, Ella agrees to a date with Liam. Why not? Most other women have. He can’t pass a bra without whipping out his stethoscope.

Tom’s domestic abuse gets worse 

Tom’s dark side emerges as he tries to exert control over his wife in ever-more disturbing ways.

There’s worse to come, as over the next few weeks we’ll see the complex nature of domestic abuse – coercive control, emotional and physical abuse, even technology-facilitated abuse.

Eden Taylor-Draper (Belle) says, ‘It’s an important story to tell,’ revealing ‘what people present to the world isn’t always the truth.’


Stacey and lover Jack are caught in a clinch

Why does Stacey have the permanent expression of someone who has just seen a bear walk into her living room? 

Burying a body, having an affair, suffering with mental health issues, teenage daughter pregnant – it’s the same wide-eyed terror as when she’s running short of onions at Stacey’s Baps.

The Look is back when Martin catches her kissing Jack, and although the pair insist it was only a moment of madness, it takes just minutes for Stacey to tell her ex about the affair. 

When Martin catches Stacey kissing Jack (pictured), it takes just minutes for Stacey to tell her ex about the affair

When Martin catches Stacey kissing Jack (pictured), it takes just minutes for Stacey to tell her ex about the affair

He wastes no time in telling Kaffy, who fears for the consequences if Denise finds out. 

It looks as though there’s a breakthrough for Jack and Denise as they pledge to fix things, but how realistic is that? The woman spends more time fixing her nails than her marriage. 

Have you noticed how throughout all her recent trauma, her nails are always perfectly manicured? The same goes for Whitney’s. Talk about not getting your priorities right.

It’s a busy week for Martin when Priya chooses him over Ravi for a drink at Peggy’s. How can he resist? If her skirts get any shorter, she’ll be wearing them as a scarf.

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