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The Courageous Response of Derek Draper and Kate Garraway’s Children to Their Father’s Illness and Untimely Passing at 56

23 Min Read

Kate Garraway’s husband Derek Draper died this week at the age of 56 after his battle with long COVID.

It was reported that prior to Christmas the Good Morning Britain host, 56, was preparing their children for a heartbreaking Christmas after Derek suffered a heart attack.

Kate Garraway had cancelled her work commitments following the incident to hold a 24/7 vigil alongside her husband.

Broadcaster Kate and Derek shared two children – Darcey, 17, and 14-year-old William, known as Billy.

Kate has praised the children’s handling of their late father’s illness and has given an insight into the precious relationship they had with him… 

Kate Garraway's husband Derek Draper (right) died this week at the age of 56 after his battle with long COVID (Kate and Derek pictured with daughter Darcey, left, and son William, second left, in 2019)

Kate Garraway’s husband Derek Draper (right) died this week at the age of 56 after his battle with long COVID (Kate and Derek pictured with daughter Darcey, left, and son William, second left, in 2019)

Broadcaster Kate and Derek shared two children - Darcey, 17, and 14-year-old William, known as Billy (Derek pictured with his children in 2010)

Broadcaster Kate and Derek shared two children – Darcey, 17, and 14-year-old William, known as Billy (Derek pictured with his children in 2010)

Who are Derek Draper and Kate Garraway’s children?

The couple shared two children, Darcey and William.

The pair welcomed their eldest child, Darcey into the world on March 10, 2006.

More than three years later, Kate gave birth to their son William, who is lovingly nicknamed Billy, on July 28, 2009.

Darcey and William were 14 and 10 years of age when Derek first contracted COVID-19.

How did Derek Draper and Kate Garraway’s children react to the news of their dad’s illness?

Kate said her children were trying to remain positive when Derek was first hospitalised in 2020.

She said they would chat to him over video call when they were unable to visit him due to lockdown restrictions.

Kate Garraway praised her two children for the way they handled her husband Derek Draper's Covid battle (pictured in 2018)

Kate Garraway praised her two children for the way they handled her husband Derek Draper’s Covid battle (pictured in 2018)

The television presenter told HELLO! magazine: ‘We’re keeping positive and doing everything we can to bring him around. 

‘The children and I communicate with him every day on FaceTime, while a nurse holds his iPad. My priority is to make the children feel safe, not to let them see me feeling vulnerable in the world where Derek was my rock.’

She added: ‘During their chats, they tell him what they’ve been doing, and their sense of humour often shines through. Darcey, who wants to be a barrister, said: “Dad, you’d better get better soon because I’m getting cleverer every day. You’ll never win an argument if you don’t get well soon.”‘

Kate previously praised her ‘heroic’ children for knowing ‘how to communicate’ with their father when he returned home from hospital but was left unable to talk due to his illness in 2021.

She told Zoe Ball on BBC Radio 2 at the time: ‘He isn’t really able to speak at the moment so he can’t tell him off, I have to be the bad guy! They are besides themselves to have him home. They are my heroes.

‘They know instinctively how to talk to him but not ask too much from him. In a way that grownups want to see the old Derek, they have an instinct, there is a lot of love there.’ 

What did Derek Draper and Kate Garraway’s children do when he was rushed to hospital?

Kate said in September that she and her family had learned to get themselves through the trauma of what had happened by running on adrenaline.

She said they’d come to terms with the fact that Derek’s situation was ongoing and that things may change from one moment to the next. 

Kate said on Heart Breakfast: ‘I think it’s been quite interesting, I think some of what I’ve been writing about in the book [The Strength of Love], is the fact that you have adrenaline, don’t you, when something dramatic happens.

‘I talk about what I think is adrenaline, it’s a bit of a frenemy. One level it’s fantastic, it gets you through the crisis, and then as time goes on, it’s not great for your own health.

‘Derek himself has been living on a version of adrenaline as well. And the kids have too in their own way, so I think the last year and a half really, has been coming to terms with the fact that we’re not in a “one week” “two week” “three month” drama.

‘We’re in something ongoing and I think weirdly, that’s how its felt for everybody beyond the pandemic.’

How did Derek Draper’s children support mum Kate Garraway through their dad’s illness battle?

Kate was left shocked in 2021 when her eldest child asked ‘out of the blue’ if she was planning to take her own life – but she realised Darcey was just looking out for her mother.

During a appearance on This Morning, Kate said: ‘They were at times wondering if I was going to be okay, was I going to be able to keep going. 

‘Darcey at one point actually said, “Mum – are you going to kill yourself?” Out of the blue.

‘The thing is, that sounds horrific, obviously. But if you know Darcey, she’s really blunt. She will always go to the most awful thing you can imagine and work her way back.

Kate was left shocked in 2021 when her eldest child asked 'out of the blue' if she was planning to take her own life - but she realised Darcey was just looking out for her mother (pictured in 2021)

Kate was left shocked in 2021 when her eldest child asked ‘out of the blue’ if she was planning to take her own life – but she realised Darcey was just looking out for her mother (pictured in 2021)

‘She just came out with the sentence, and I said, “Oh my God, no. Why would you think that?” She said, “I wasn’t, but I just thought I better check.'” 

Kate told Darcey at the time: ‘If anything it’s the absolute opposite. I can’t imagine what would be more opposite. I’m so scared you thought of that.’ 

The TV star continued on This Morning: ‘And she was like, “Don’t make a big thing of it.” It showed at the very least she wanted affirmation. And also made me realise she wasn’t just worried about her dad, but thinking of me and her brother.

‘I don’t think I realised how much they were taking care of me quite a lot along the way. The first moment was they wanted to watch Father Brown and I thought, “This is a very odd thing for a teenager to be choosing to watch. But I realised they knew I loved it, and they wanted to do things for me.”‘

The touching moments Derek Draper and Kate Garraway’s children had with their dad before his death

Kate said the children were ‘beside themselves’ to have Derek home from hospital when he left in 2021. 

Discussing the relationship between the kids and Derek, Kate said: ‘He’s their Daddy. And it’s interesting, he comes most alive I think when they’re around, not so much me, let’s be honest, but no, of course there is a huge amount of love for me! 

‘He does come alive and you can see him kind of trying to be the old Dad as much as he can, trying to make them laugh, trying to do different things.

‘But they’ve had to realise that, I mean Derek was this kind of loud, rumbustious, huge, you know… overwhelming… and god how we loved it, but he’s not that now, so they’ve had to readjust.

‘You know how you bounce off your parents, different boundaries, and they are doing it brilliantly. They’re navigating it brilliantly.’

What does the future hold for Derek Draper and Kate Garraway’s children?

In an interview with The Times in September 2023, Kate shared that she worried about her children during her husband’s health struggle.

Looking back on their lives, Kate confessed she is not ‘equipped’ for raising their teenage children without her husband.

‘My instinct is always keep everything good, keep everything nice, but he was always fine with stand-up rows,’ she said. ‘He said it was all about boundary-setting, so I always felt he was going to be amazing in their teens.

‘So I feel, like, “Derek, of all the times, I am not equipped for this without you.” And it makes me miss the old Derek so much.’

A timeline of Derek Draper’s coronavirus battle

MARCH  2020

Kate revealed she and Prince Charles had got ‘relatively close’ at the Prince’s Trust Awards on March 11 – Charles was diagnosed with coronavirus in mid-March.  

She said: ‘Around the 29/30 March, I came home came in and said [to Derek] ‘god you look ill.’

‘He said he had a headache, numbness in his right hand, and was struggling to breathe,

‘I rang Dr Hilary (Jones) and tried to get through, he talked to Derek. He said put me back on, I think you need to call an ambulance’

Derek, 52, was taken into hospital on March 30 and remained in an unresponsive condition. 


Kate and her children isolated at home after she displayed ‘mild symptoms’.

Kate said: ‘Derek remains in intensive care and is still very ill. I’m afraid it remains an excruciatingly worrying time.

‘I’m afraid he is still in a deeply critical condition, but he is still here, which means there is hope.’ 


Kate said: ‘The journey for me and my family seems to be far from over as every day my heart sinks as I learn new and devastating ways this virus has more battles for Derek to fight. 

‘But he is still HERE & so there is still hope.’

That month, Kate and her family took part in the final clap for carers

She said: ‘I’ll never give up on that because Derek’s the love of my life but at the same time I have absolute uncertainty’


On June 5, Kate revealed Derek is now free from coronavirus but continues to fight against the damage inflicted on his body


On July 5, Kate revealed Derek has woken from his coma but he remains in a serious yet critical condition.

On July 8, she announced she would be returning to GMB, after being urged by doctors to ‘get on with life’ during Derek’s recovery.   

She added that Derek had ‘opened his eyes’ after waking from his coma, but has been told his recovery could take years.  

On July 13, Kate returned to GMB for the first time since Derek was hospitalised.    

On July 28, Kate revealed she’d paid an ‘extra emotional’ first visit to Derek, and admitted she’s ‘frustrated’ by his slow progress.


On August 14, Kate reassured GMB viewers that Derek was ‘still with us,’ but it was ‘a waiting game.’ 

On August 19, Kate revealed she celebrated Derek’s birthday with their two children, and described the day as ‘challenging’ for her family. 


At the end of September, Derek reportedly becomes the longest surviving patient with coronavirus after spending 184 days in and out of intensive care.

Kate reveals Derek has lost eight stone during his battle.

The presenter announces she is returning to her Smooth Radio show so Derek can hear her voice. 


On October 30 Kate reveals that Derek has spoken for the first time in seven months, saying the word ‘pain’ to his wife, who watched on ‘in tears’ over FaceTime. 

Kate says a day later that her husband no longer needs a ventilator to breathe. 


Kate reveals her family car has been stolen in latest ‘body blow’ to her family life, as kind-hearted fans offer their cars to help.

She says she feels ‘physically sick’ at the prospect of facing her first Christmas without Derek.


The GMB star tells viewers it is her dream to visit Derek on Christmas Day.

She also reveals she missed two weeks on GMB after her children were exposed to the virus, but thankfully she and the kids tested negative.

On December 17, Kate has an emotional conversation live on GMB with two nurses who treated Derek when he was first admitted to Whittington Hospital in North London. 

On New Year’s Eve she reflects on a ‘calamitous’ Christmas without Derek, as her house was flooded and she struggled to get a food delivery slot until her pal Emma Willis stepped in to help.


Kate reveals she and her children got to visit Derek in hospital over the Christmas period, and it was the first time her family had seen him since he was hospitalised.

She also says she’s banned from seeing him due to new restrictions introduced during the government’s third lockdown. 


Kate reveals she is unsure how much Derek will ‘ever be able to recover’ following warning from doctors that he may never wake from his coma 


Kate revealed that was in the process of adapting her home to suit Derek’s needs when he is finally released from hospital, in the ITV documentary Finding Derek.

The programmed was praised by viewers for offering a heartbreaking look at the long-term effects of coronavirus.

Kate also revealed that Derek has ‘no muscle left’ since battling Covid


Kate revealed that Derek was finally allowed to leave hospital, but would require round-the-clock care once he was returned home.


Kate revealed that despite now being home with his family, his communication abilities were ‘minimal’ and he ‘couldn’t really move’


During an appearance on Piers Morgan’s Life Stories, Kate revealed that Derek had said ‘I love you’ for the first time.

After celebrating Christmas, Derek was also pictured in a wheelchair during a trip to the pantomime with his family


Kate revealed that Derek was ‘very fatigued’ and ‘very weak’ following the family outing, adding: ‘I don’t know what this year is going to bring.’


Kate offered a glimpse into the daily struggles of looking after her husband amid his battle with long Covid in the documentary Caring For Derek

She also revealed that Derek would die within three days if he was left alone to care for himself.


On July 6, Kate revealed that Derek had been re-admitted to hospital after suffering a ‘downturn,’ and in a later interview said she takes things ‘day by day.’

On July 20, it was reported that Kate had pulled out of hosting Good Morning Britain to be at Derek’s bedside after he took a ‘very serious’ turn for the worse. 

Recalling the day, the presenter told The Sun: ‘At one point Derek said to me, “This is it, this time. I am gone.” It was just terrifying.

‘His sepsis was gut-wrenching for all of us because it had gone undiagnosed until the point where it was about to take his life away again.’


Kate became overwhelmed as she confronted former health secretary Matt Hancock over his handling of the pandemic and his decision to go on I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here.

She then became tearful and looked up as she spoke about Derek, who has been unwell for approaching three years. 

Describing public anger towards him, Kate added of his decision: ‘This gives the impression you still don’t get why they are cross. You still don’t get why people are upset. They want to hold you to more account.’ 


Kate revealed that Derek was once again receiving care in hospital, as she shared the emotional moment Sir Elton John dedicated a song to the ‘inspiring’ couple. 

She shared the emotional moment Sir Elton John dedicated a song to the ‘inspiring’ couple, writing on Instagram: ‘Yes Derek has been back in hospital this week & yes there’s such a long road ahead but #eltonjohn & @davidfurnish you gave the kids & Derek a moment that we will never forget and has lifted their spirits again to feel anything is possible.’

It was also reported that Kate was planning a trip across the world for pioneering treatment in a ‘final hope’ to help her husband.


Kate reportedly faced a huge £716,000 tax bill after she was forced to close her husband’s business two years after he became stricken with Covid-19.

The final total will be settled within the coming weeks, with friends insisting she will pay whatever is owed.

A friend told The Sun: ‘The figures are terrifying and Kate is of course worried about all the financial pressures, but she has to trust the process.

‘When it comes to an end, she is determined to pay back anything that’s owed.

‘It’s no secret that Kate has been battling to keep her husband alive and working through some heartbreaking situations in her personal life in recent years.

‘Sadly as well as the emotional stress of Derek’s terrible illnesses the financial burden has also been crippling.’


Derek was left fighting for his life after suffering a heart attack. 

Kate held a 24/7 vigil by his bedside and cancelled all work commitments while the family ‘prayed for a miracle’. 

A source said: ‘It was sudden and a shock as he had been doing so well and was in great spirits, looking forward to Christmas at home with the family.

‘This setback has been a huge blow for his family and all the people caring for him. Kate is by his side 24 hours a day and is willing him on to win this latest battle for his life.

‘Derek has fought so many times, and always, against all odds, come out the other side.’


Kate announced on January 5 that Derek had passed away. 

She said: ‘Derek was surrounded by his family in his final days and I was by his side holding his hand throughout the last long hours and when he passed. 

‘I have so much more to say, and of course I will do so in due course, but for now I just want to thank all the medical teams who fought so hard to save him and to make his final moments as comfortable and dignified as possible’.

MailOnline understands he passed away on January 3 in a North London  hospital. 

He is survived by wife Kate and their children Darcey, 17, and son William, 14. 



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