Emotional Reunion: Ubah Hassan in Tears as Jenna Lyons Profusely Apologizes in RHONY Season 14 Finale with All-New Cast

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Ubah Hassan cried after receiving profuse apologies from Jenna Lyons on Sunday’s second reunion episode of The Real Housewives Of New York City on Bravo.

The 40-year-old Somali native confronted Jenna, 55, over slights that hurt her feelings during season 14 of the Bravo series that featured a completely new cast.

Executive producer and reunion host Andy Cohen, 55, during the final reunion show noted that Jenna early in the season spoke about ‘getting a taste of Ubah Hot’ when she came to her house unaware that cameras were rolling.

A flashback showed Ubah scolding an apologetic Jenna for inviting her over without letting her know that cameras would be present.

‘Jenna, I was very disappointed to hear what you said,’ said Ubah, who is the founder and CEO of her own personal hot sauce brand Ubah Hot.

Emotional episode: Ubah Hassan cried after receiving profuse apologies from Jenna Lyons on Sunday's second reunion episode of The Real Housewives Of New York City on Bravo

Emotional episode: Ubah Hassan cried after receiving profuse apologies from Jenna Lyons on Sunday’s second reunion episode of The Real Housewives Of New York City on Bravo

‘The taste of Ubah Hot …The taste was a reference to your sauce,’ Jenna said. ‘It was like me trying to be cute about the sauce.’

‘No, you said, ”I had a taste of”,’ Ubah said.

‘Of Uba Hot,’ Jenna added.

‘I just watched it last night. I would never try to dupe you,’ Jenna said.

‘I didn’t think you did. Don’t confuse being angry and being assertive,’ Ubah said.

‘That’s not assertive,’ chimed in Brynn Whitfield, 36, while sitting right next to Ubah.

Ubah then turned her attention to Brynn and said ‘maybe you don’t know how to be loved or how to stand up for yourself.’

‘Watch your f***ing mouth,’ Brynn warned her.

Sauce reference: 'The taste of Ubah Hot ...The taste was a reference to your sauce,' Jenna said. 'It was like me trying to be cute about the sauce'

Sauce reference: ‘The taste of Ubah Hot …The taste was a reference to your sauce,’ Jenna said. ‘It was like me trying to be cute about the sauce’

Together again: The reboot of season 14 featured a new cast who gathered for the second and final reunion episode

Together again: The reboot of season 14 featured a new cast who gathered for the second and final reunion episode

No confusion: 'I didn't think you did. Don't confuse being angry and being assertive,' Ubah said

No confusion: ‘I didn’t think you did. Don’t confuse being angry and being assertive,’ Ubah said

Attention turned: Ubah then turned her attention to Brynn and said 'maybe you don't know how to be loved or how to stand up for yourself'

Attention turned: Ubah then turned her attention to Brynn and said ‘maybe you don’t know how to be loved or how to stand up for yourself’

‘No, no, no, we’re two different people,’ Ubah said.

‘Watch your mouth. I’m not afraid of you. Everybody is afraid of you. I’m not f***ing afraid of you. You put people in the hospital. I put people in the funeral home,’ Brynn said.

‘Ooh,’ Andy said.

‘I f***ing bury them. I bury them,’ Ubah countered.

‘I’m half-black and half-Irish. You don’t want to f*** with me,’ Brynn said.

‘Half-Irish. I’m f***ing Somali. I will Black half back your a*** right now,’ Ubah said. ‘Don’t interfere with my conversation.’

‘It’s not a conversation,’ Brynn said.

‘Shut up!,’ Ubah yelled at her.

Duly warned: 'Watch your mouth. I'm not afraid of you. Everybody is afraid of you. I'm not f***ing afraid of you. You put people in the hospital. I put people in the funeral home,' Brynn said

Duly warned: ‘Watch your mouth. I’m not afraid of you. Everybody is afraid of you. I’m not f***ing afraid of you. You put people in the hospital. I put people in the funeral home,’ Brynn said

The host: 'Ooh,' Andy said after Brynn's remark

The host: ‘Ooh,’ Andy said after Brynn’s remark

Ubah declared that she doesn’t have a ‘side’ and reminded everyone that she told them from the beginning that she goes from ‘zero to 100 really quick.’

‘When I’m mad, I’m mad,’ Ubah said before asking for a glass of water.

‘So then maybe she’s saying she saw you mad,’ Andy said.

‘No, no, she said ”a side”,’ Ubah said.

Ubah gave a shaky definition for a ‘side’ being someone who pretends to never gets mad like Mother Theresa who then suddenly blows up.

‘I was completely taken off guard. And I’m sorry if it offended you. I literally had no intention of offending you. I’m so sorry if it offended you,’ Jenna said. ‘That was not my intention. I was just caught off guard. And I would never do anything to dupe you or put you in a situation…’

Ubah interjected that she also was hurt by Jenna for saying she was Team Erin after Erin Lichy and Ubah clashed over a prank gone wrong during a group trip to Anguilla.

‘You’ve got to be recruited to be Team Ubah. You just don’t choose to be Team Ubah,’ Ubah said.

Saying sorry: 'I was completely taken off guard. And I'm sorry if it offended you. I literally had no intention of offending you. I'm so sorry if it offended you,' Jenna said. 'That was not my intention. I was just caught off guard. And I would never do anything to dupe you or put you in a situation...'

Saying sorry: ‘I was completely taken off guard. And I’m sorry if it offended you. I literally had no intention of offending you. I’m so sorry if it offended you,’ Jenna said. ‘That was not my intention. I was just caught off guard. And I would never do anything to dupe you or put you in a situation…’

Team membership: 'You've got to be recruited to be Team Ubah. You just don't choose to be Team Ubah,' Ubah said

Team membership: ‘You’ve got to be recruited to be Team Ubah. You just don’t choose to be Team Ubah,’ Ubah said

Jenna explained that she was Team Erin at that moment because she could tell that Erin was ‘really distressed and feeling alone’ and was just trying to give her a hand.

Ubah said she wanted to cry when she was fighting with Erin and was afraid of losing her friendship.

‘And none of you guys stood up for me? None of you,’ Ubah said.

She then pointed out tearfully how many times she has supported each of them.

‘I am so tired of just being kind and nice to people and nobody have my back,’ Ubah said crying.

Erin then walked over to console Erin and they hugged as Brynn also supported her.

‘I feel like you really needed to get that off your chest,’ Andy said.

He said it’s a common occurrence for Housewives to get ‘reactivated’ when they see the show and said the challenge will be reliving it on the show.

Showing support: Erin then walked over to console Erin and they hugged as Brynn also supported her

Showing support: Erin then walked over to console Erin and they hugged as Brynn also supported her

‘And y’all need to figure out a way to let today be the final word on a lot of this stuff,’ Andy suggested.

Andy asked Jenna and Ubah if they were complete and Jenna said she would like to sit down and hug her.

‘I look up to you. I adore you. You should have your own movie,’ Ubah told Jenna.

Jenna apologized again for hurting her feelings.

‘It’s ok. It’s ok. I understand,’ Ubah said.

More apologizing: Jenna apologized again for hurting Ubah's feelings for saying she was Team Erin

More apologizing: Jenna apologized again for hurting Ubah’s feelings for saying she was Team Erin

Jenna then admitted that she was ‘confused’ by Ubah’s earlier comment that ‘nobody wanted me on the show’.

Sai De Silva admitted that they were at Erin’s house with Ubah and Jessel Taank before they started filming.

‘Us three, I believe, said, ””Ah, I don’t think she’s going to fit into the group.” Which I stood by at that time. I didn’t think you were going to fit in the group. I thought you were a wild card. And you are a wild card,’ Sai said.

Jessel said they made an ‘assumption’ and learned their lesson.

Andy asked Jenna if she was complete because it hurt her feelings.

‘Well, I think it goes back to, like, people making assumptions about you before they know you, and that is so hard. Because it’s so hard to combat them. Because you’re kind of starting from behind, as opposed to walking into a situation, like, on an even playing field. And so, um, yeah, like, I felt it,’ Jenna said.

The reunion also featured Sai crying while talking about her late alcoholic mother and Brynn getting emotional while discussing her estranged father who she reunited with shortly before his death.

Andy relayed a message from Charlie from Long Island who noted that ‘a lot of housewives past and present have called the show a mirror’ and then asked them what they saw in the mirror during their first season.

‘I mean, I obviously have learned a lot watching myself and how I listen to others. I don’t really listen. And I think that I should open not only my ears but also my heart a little bit more, um, and be a little bit more empathetic to what people are going through,’ Sai said.

Jenna was up next.

Tears flowing: The reunion also featured Sai crying while talking about her alcoholic mother

Tears flowing: The reunion also featured Sai crying while talking about her alcoholic mother

Really emotional: Brynn also got emotional while talking about her estranged father who she reunited with shortly before his death

Really emotional: Brynn also got emotional while talking about her estranged father who she reunited with shortly before his death

Assumptions made: 'Well, I think it goes back to, like, people making assumptions about you before they know you, and that is so hard. Because it's so hard to combat them. Because you're kind of starting from behind, as opposed to walking into a situation, like, on an even playing field. And so, um, yeah, like, I felt it,' Jenna said

Assumptions made: ‘Well, I think it goes back to, like, people making assumptions about you before they know you, and that is so hard. Because it’s so hard to combat them. Because you’re kind of starting from behind, as opposed to walking into a situation, like, on an even playing field. And so, um, yeah, like, I felt it,’ Jenna said

‘Um, I’m still learning how to be, like, a girl’s girl. Like, they’re all hanging out, and I don’t really hang out. I can see that I can maybe be in a girls’ group after this,’ Jenna said.

‘I did learn that maybe I should warn people before I turn to Ubah Hot,’ Ubah said.

The reunion ended with a rum punch toast and Any said it was the most tissue they had gone through during a reunion.

‘You guys killed it,’ Andy said.

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