Jackie, Ben Foden’s wife, announces pregnancy after three heartbreaking miscarriages shattered her hopes of having another child

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Ben Foden’s wife Jackie has revealed she’s pregnant. 

The lovely news comes after the American businesswoman, 38, tragically suffered three miscarriages, which led to the couple thinking they had ‘lost hope’ of having another child. 

Jackie told OK! magazine: ‘I kept getting excited about the pregnancies, but nothing stuck. After the third, we kept thinking, “We’ll see if it happens – if it does, it does and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.” It’s hard not to get your hopes up when you really want another baby.

‘My mum then had a hunch that my progesterone [a hormone involved in pregnancy] levels were off, which they were, and I was quickly put on supplements and got my bloods monitored. 

‘They still are, because I have something called marginal cord insertion, which means the umbilical cord implanted in the wrong area, and makes the pregnancy higher risk. So going forward, we need to make especially sure the baby is growing at the correct rate.’

Lovely news: Ben Foden's wife Jackie, 38, reveals she's pregnant after three tragic miscarriages made her 'lose hope' of having another child

Lovely news: Ben Foden’s wife Jackie, 38, reveals she’s pregnant after three tragic miscarriages made her ‘lose hope’ of having another child

Ben and Jackie are already parents to daughter Farrah, three, while the rugby player shares children Aoife Belle, 11, and Tadhg, eight, with his ex-wife Una Healy. 

Speaking on the Popular On DM podcast last September, Jackie said: ‘We were pregnant last month and lost it a couple of days ago on Monday. It was a bummer. 

‘It was super weird to be pregnant and then wake up the next day and not be pregnant. Your boobs immediately feel different, you stop peeing constantly.’

Jackie told how many of her friends have struggled to get pregnant and she feels lucky she and Ben got pregnant on their first go with Farrah.

She said: ‘We got pregnant on our first go, Farrah was our first go. A lot of my friends are having problems getting pregnant. I talk to them and they feel hopeless.

‘I’m 37, I fully expected this to happen. Realistically, I’m going to be pregnant again next month.’

Jackie added she thinks it’s important that women speak about their miscarriages as it is ‘so normal’.

She said: ‘A couple of people were like, I had a miscarriage too. I was like, let’s talk about it! It’s so normal. My mom went to me, “your body knows what to do in that scenario.” ‘

It comes after Jackie spoke out about her sad news as she hit back at a cruel online troll who directed some harsh words at her.

Jackie’s response read: ‘I was pregnant for a while so I haven’t had Botox in a while, just had a miscarriage last week, and my two-year-old has sleep regression so I haven’t slept in a million years. I apologise if my old haggard appearance bothers you.

‘I notice you don’t have any photos of yourself though… but you’re probably just too ridiculously good looking for people to even have the privilege of witnessing.’ 

Ben and Jackie tied the knot in 2020 – a year and a half after his marriage broke down with Una, 40, due to his cheating, and only two days after his divorce was finalised. 

If you’ve been affected by this story contact The Miscarriage Association on 01924 200799 Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm or email info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk 

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