Sunny Hostin, The View host, shares that her 17-year-old daughter, Paloma, has a challenging rare eye condition affecting her reading abilities, stating it has been a tough journey.

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The View host Sunny Hostin has revealed for the first time that her 17-year-old daughter suffers from a rare disability, while opening up about the ‘struggle’ her family has faced as a result of the teen’s condition. 

Appearing on a new episode of The View’s Behind the Table podcast, the 54-year-old revealed that her daughter Paloma, now 17, was born with Brown syndrome – a rare condition which limits the movement of the tendon that attaches to the outside of the eye.

Sunny said her daughter has special devices to help her read, as she declared: ‘It’s not anything to be ashamed of.’

‘Paloma has something called Brown’s disease, that I don’t think I’ve ever shared publicly, but I will share it,’ she said.

‘She was born with it and it’s an eye condition where your eyes… there are muscles in your eyes and one is shorter than the other, and so when you’re reading, you can’t track and that’s pretty difficult because one eye moves one way, and one eye moves another way.’

The View host Sunny Hostin, 54, has spoken about her daughter Paloma's disability publicly for the first time

The View host Sunny Hostin, 54, has spoken about her daughter Paloma’s disability publicly for the first time

The TV star confirmed that her 17-year-old daughter has a condition called 'Brown's disease'

The TV star confirmed that her 17-year-old daughter has a condition called ‘Brown’s disease’

Brown Syndrome is an disorder characterized by defects in eye movements and Sunny said it can make reading 'pretty difficult for her daughter

Brown Syndrome is an disorder characterized by defects in eye movements and Sunny said it can make reading ‘pretty difficult for her daughter

What is eye disorder Brown Syndrome?

Brown Syndrome is a rare eye disorder characterized by defects in eye movements and is a problem with the tendon that attaches to the outside of the eye (superior oblique muscle tendon).

In Brown syndrome, this tendon can’t move freely and this limits the eye’s normal movements. The superior oblique muscle tendon attaches to the superior oblique muscle. It moves through a ring of tissue and this is called the tendon sheath.

The symptoms of Brown Syndrome are caused by abnormalities of this tendon sheath including shortening, thickening, or inflammation. This results in the inability to move the affected eye upward. 

This disorder may be present at birth or may occur as the result of another underlying disorder.


She continued: ‘It causes her to need about two to three times the amount to read the same thing that it would take an average child, because she has a tracking tool that she uses and all of these things.’

Sunny, who also has son Gabriel, 21, with her husband Emmanuel, opened up about the condition as she addressed the moment Paloma rang her live on air midway through an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger, 76, on Monday.

She said: ‘I’ve worked for about six months to get her an accommodation so that she could get longer time on her ACTs for reading, she just needs the extra time. And she just got her ACT score back and she just scored in the top ten per cent of the country and so she forgot and she immediately texted.’

Sunny, who switched her phone off when it started ringing mid-interview, confirmed she turned it back on during the commercial break to see a text message from Paloma.

‘She finally got her accommodation!’ Sunny said, sounding delighted. ‘Children that have certain disabilities, you know it’s not anything to be ashamed of and we’re not ashamed of it. We’ve been advocates for her and she blew it out of the water and that is why my phone rang!’

The author went on to admit that Paloma was ‘mortified’ when she realized she had tried to call her mom during an interview with The Terminator actor, and stated that she has instructed her kids not to call her between 11am and midday. 

‘The only reason I have my phone at all with me for this one hour of television is  because of the children, it’s the only reason,’ Sunny told executive producer Brian Teta.

‘And I have it set so that the only time it rings is if it’s Paloma or Gabriel. They have been instructed that they cannot call me between 11 and 12. If they text me, I hear a little ding and then at least I can look at the text and that’s pretty imperceptible, I don’t think you’ve heard the ding because they’ve dinged me during the show.’

Brown syndrome can be genetic and causes the muscle tendon to be abnormally short or thick from birth. In most cases it only affects one eye, causing it to pull down or inwards.

The TV star and her husband recently waved Gabriel off to college, which she admitted was ‘so hard’.

Sunny pictured with her 21-year-old son Gabriel and her daughter Paloma

Sunny pictured with her 21-year-old son Gabriel and her daughter Paloma

The mother-of-two stated that Paloma's disability is 'not anything to be ashamed of'

The mother-of-two stated that Paloma’s disability is ‘not anything to be ashamed of’

Sunny's husband Emmanuel Hostin pictured with their daughter Paloma in a post shared in February 2023

Sunny’s husband Emmanuel Hostin pictured with their daughter Paloma in a post shared in February 2023

Sunny sparked a debate online last month when she was accused of making a 'harsh' comment about one of her son's ex-girlfriends

Sunny sparked a debate online last month when she was accused of making a ‘harsh’ comment about one of her son’s ex-girlfriends

Posting several photos on Instagram of the moment they moved him into his college dorm at the beginning of September, Sunny wrote: ‘Junior Year move in day for Gabriel. I cannot believe it’s still so hard to drive away. Have a great year sweetheart. Sigh.’

In one sweet snap, Emmanuel was seen hanging some artwork on the wall for their son, and in another shot, the three of them cozied up for a cute family selfie. 

A few weeks later, Sunny sparked an intriguing relationship debate online on after she made a ‘horrible’ comment about one of her son’s ex-girlfriends. 

The lawyer described one of Gabriel’s exes as ‘manipulative’ because she claimed to have read Sunny’s 2020 memoir and viewers weren’t overly impressed with her comment.

‘Wow! Sunny is harsh on her son’s girlfriends! #TheView,’ one person accused, while another wrote on X: ‘I’m not surprised Sunny doesn’t like her son’s girlfriends #TheView.’

A third viewer asked: ‘Why do Mothers think it’s cute to be horrible to whomever their son is dating… young/younger girls?! Sunny?! #TheView.’

A fourth person claimed: ‘No woman will ever be good enough for Sunny’s Gabriel. @TheView #TheView,’ while a fellow mother agreed with the host and commented: ‘@sunny I see through it… These girls getting close to mom. #theview.’ 

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